- 3
#61 opened by sleshep - 7
Monkeypatch socket DNS resolving functions
#22 opened by Anorov - 1
Does not support a non-blocking connect ?
#66 opened by falseen - 1
- 2
PySocks also forwarded my local connection?
#103 opened by Sexisnull - 4
Compatibility with `asyncore`
#33 opened by cladmi - 0
None input when use fileno with UDP
#93 opened by 5aaee9 - 0
Can't ignore/enforce SSL Cert verification.
#36 opened by encompass - 1
Monkeypatch and multi threading
#99 opened by InputError - 1
HTTPS: No Server Certificate Verification
#98 opened by wonkodv - 1
connect_ex won't use proxy
#96 opened by lattice0 - 1
Http proxy with creds
#92 opened by adv-zl - 1
Support of general packages
#84 opened by dclong - 1
- 1
Socks5 proxy and gevent error AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute 'getpeername
#65 opened - 1
proxy error
#102 opened by 2803media - 0
- 1
added a timeout api
#77 opened by cfsego - 1
- 4
- 2
IPV6 not supported
#83 opened - 0
Mainter for this project
#85 opened by oldani - 1
- 3
- 4
Please Include a CHANGELOG
#58 opened by mcansky - 11
Use travis-ci to auto test
#55 opened by loggerhead - 2
How tests work?
#62 opened by lorien - 1
- 1
Import code redundancy
#56 opened by SeaHOH - 1
- 3
- 4
`recvfrom` read less than request
#51 opened by loggerhead - 1
Missing git tag for 1.6.1 release
#53 opened by felixonmars - 1
#49 opened by pmlandwehr - 1
Proxy chaining
#26 opened by JeremyRand - 2
Pysocks + Python 2.7 Windows Broken
#47 opened by mindw - 8
Support for ssl.wrap_socket?
#29 opened by a904guy - 0
Does PySocks work with SQLAlchemy
#32 opened by gane5h - 1
Please ship tests to pypi
#37 opened by jlec - 1
Tag releases
#41 opened by onovy - 1
Add to pypi
#42 opened by onovy - 1
Add LICENSE to tarball.
#43 opened by ralphbean - 1
Socks support for urllib3
#27 opened by anatasiajp - 2
Crashes when connecting to IPv6 services
#24 opened by pde - 1
- 1
- 1
Please release 1.5.1 / current version on pypi
#20 opened by blueyed - 2
Monkeypatch throws stacktrace
#19 opened by abrahamrhoffman - 1
if not set proxy , getpeername() is return None
#18 opened by daoiqi - 3
running problem
#17 opened