Project Specs :
Written in JS(X) in React using create-react-app in VS Code
Tested using react-testing-library
Deployed on render and azure
- Azure -
- Render -
Build/Compilation Instructions
- Clone repo
- In terminal > Move to redstor-challenge folder > cd redstor-challenge
- Type > npm i
- Type > npm start (to start server)
- Type > npm test (type a after npm run test to run all tests, if prompted)
- Type > npm build (should you choose to build and deploy elsewhere)
Implement the code for a supermarket checkout that calculates the total price of a number of
items. In a normal supermarket, items are identified using Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), but
in our store we’ll be using individual letters of the alphabet (A, B, C etc). Our goods are
priced individually, but some items also have multibuy offers. For example, item A might cost
60 individually, but if you buy three A’s then they’ll cost you 150. This week’s prices are as
Item Unit Price Special Price
A 60 3 for 150
B 30 2 for 45
C 30
D 25
Items can be scanned in any order, so if we scan a B, an A, then another B, we’ll recognise
the offer for two B’s and price them at 45, giving a total price of 105. Because our store
changes its pricing frequently, we need to be able to pass in a set of pricing rules each time
we begin handling a checkout transaction.
You may use any language and technologies to design and implement your solution. The
interface for the checkout should look similar to the following pseudocode:
checkout = new Checkout(pricingRules)
price = checkout.Total