
Another attempt to keep my dotfiles in git. I'm sure I'll keep it up to date this time!

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Dotfiles yet again

This time, I am keeping my actual home directory under Git.

I do this by ignoring all files by having a * at the top of the .gitignore file, and then I whitelist dotfiles I want to sync via !<file>.

Together with having git status in my shell prompt, this should ensure that my stuff is synced. Maybe I'll add a cronjob though. Who knows -- it's an experiment šŸ¤·

Install on a new machine

A normal git clone will not work because your home directory is not empty. The required hack is as follows:

git init .
git remote add origin git@github.com:AnotherKamila/dotfiles-yet-again.git
git fetch

# rinse and repeat the following:
git checkout -t origin/main  # will probably fail because of conflicting files
# appropriately deal with conflicting files
# ...until it stops failing; at that point you're done

I also use GitHub's Deploy keys feature to give a host access to only this repo instead of my whole account. (You probably want to allow push.)