
My templates for all kinds of stuff (programming contests, homework, etc.)

Primary LanguageC++


My templates for all kinds of stuff (programming contests, homework, etc.), plus a convenient little system for creating and compiling files based on them.

Everything that isn't *.make or template_functions.sh is some template of mine, feel free to look around and steal all those great ideas, I stole most of them too.

How to use my template system


Contains all the functions for working with the system. Source this file to have access to the following functions. You can optionally do something like source template_functions.sh 1 or set the TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS_ALIASES environment variable to get quick shorthands for most of these functions.

  • template_for target_filename|extension [template_name='default']: returns the full path to the corresponding template (matching either the exact basename of the target file if any, or the template name + the extension)
  • template_new target_filename [template_name='default']: creates a new file named target_filename from the corresponding template -- alias: tn
  • template_edit target_filename [template_name='default']: calls template_new and opens the file with your $EDITOR -- alias: te
  • template_make target_filename [template_name='default']: compiles the file using the correct Makefile (see below) -- alias: tm

You should set your template directory as TEMPLATE_DIR here.


Makefiles describing how to compile stuff. When you call template_make myfile.<ext> mytemplate, make myfile.<out_ext> will be called with all Makefiles named mytemplate.<ext>-<out_ext>.make. Examples:

  • compile your C++ homework: create homework.cpp-bin.make; calling template_make file.cpp homework will execute make -f homework.cpp-bin.make file.bin
  • create both DVI and PDF from LaTeX: create default.tex-dvi.make and default.tex-pdf.make; calling template_make file.tex will execute make -f default.tex-dvi.make file.dvi ; make -f default.tex-pdf.make file.pdf

See the *.make files in this repo for makefile examples.

Everything else

Your pretty templates (whatever you want, I just cp those; see template_for for the resolution description).

See my files in the repo for example usage and great templates. If you have questions, ask Google. If you still have questions, ask me.

License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)