RFID Research Resources

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RFID Research Resources

RFID Research Resources


High Accuracy

  • Minding the Billions: Ultra-wideband Localization for Deployed RFID Tags, Mobicom 2017
  • Backpos: High accuracy backscatter positioning system, [IEEE TMC 2016]
  • Tagoram: Real-time tracking of mobile RFID tags to high precision using COTS devices, MobiCom 2014
  • Dude, where’s my card?: RFID positioning that works with multipath and non-line of sight, SIGCOMM 2013

High speed

  • Making sense of mechanical vibration period with sub-millisecond accuracy using backscatter signals, Mobicom 2016
  • Real-Time Code-Division Multi-Tag Localization with Centimeter Accuracy, IEEE RFID,2017

Relative Location

  • HMRL: Relative Localization of RFID Tags with Static Devices, SECON 2017
  • Relative localization of RFID tags using spatial-temporal phase profilin, NSDI 2015
  • OTrack: Order tracking for luggage in mobile RFID systems, INFOCOM 2013

Reader Calibration

  • Accurate Spatial Calibration of RFID Antennas via Spinning Tags, ICDCS 2016
  • RFID-based indoor antenna localization system using passive tag and variable RF-attenuation, IECON 2007

CV and RFID Fusion

  • Fusing RFID and computer vision for fine-grained object tracking, INFOCOM, 2017
  • Fusing rfid and computer vision for probabilistic tag localization, IEEE RFID, 2014
  • Camera-assisted localization of passive rfid labels, IEEE IPIN,2012


  • Enabling Gesture-based Interactions with Objects, Mobisys 2017
  • Leveraging electromagnetic polarization in a two-antenna whiteboard in the air, CoNEXT 2016
  • Paperid: A technique for drawing functional battery-free wireless interfaces on paper, CHI, 2016
  • Idsense: A human object interaction detection system based on passive uhf rfid CHI, 2015
  • RF-IDraw: Virtual touch screen in the air using RF signals, SIGCOMM 2014



  • An Experimental Study of Passive UHF RFID System with Longer Communication Range, APMC 2007
  • Power-Optimized Waveforms for Improving the Range and Reliability of RFID Systems, IEEE RFID 2009
  • Survey of Range Improvement of Commercial RFID Tags With Power Optimized Waveforms, IEEE RFID 2010
  • Extending the Interrogation Range of a Passive UHF RFID SystemWith an External Continuous Wave Transmitter, TOIM


  • Minding the Billions: Ultra-wideband Localization for Deployed RFID Tags, Mobicom 2017


  • SpotON: An indoor 3D location sensing technology based on RF signal strength,2000
  • LANDMARC:Indoor Location Sensing Using Active RFID LIONELMm, Wireless Networks, 2004
  • VIRE: VIRE:Active RFID-based Localization Using Virtual Reference Elimination, 2007
  • Adaptive-Rssi:An Environmental-Adaptive Rssi Based Indoor Positioning Approach Using Rfid,2010