DiRT Rally Cross-Platform Results


This tool downloads DiRT Rally online event results for all platforms (Steam, PS4, Xbox, Oculus) and saves them in one file. It is originally created by /u/Th3HolyMoose.


Using this tool is very easy - just run one command and it will generate all result files. To run this tool, simply type python daily.py for last daily events or python weekly.py for weekly events.

On this fork

Use run.py for more flexible results. Type python run.py <event-type> to get choosen events. Event type can be daily1, daily2, weekly1, weekly2 and monthly

Additional optional parameter is nohtml. This will only import data to txt files without making HTML page.

Usage exaples

python run.py daily1 - import only last daily1 event

python run.py daily1 daily2 - import last daily1 and daily2 events

python run.py weekly1 nohtml - import only last weekly1 event and do not generate HTML page

python run.py all sql - import all last events and save to sql


My goal for this fork was SQL support for was making result datasets I could use for making personalised result pages. For this I have added importSql.py

To use importSql.py follow theese steps:

  1. Install mysql server and python-mysqldb driver
  2. Make database and run SQL script from database.sql file
  3. Rename or copy config.example.py to config.py
  4. Configure database settings in config.py
  5. Custimize sql filter function (function filt(item)) in importSql.py. At the moment it will only save all drivers from Latvia (filtered by flag).
  6. Run python importSql.py date folder or add sql parameter to run.py

Automatic result import

If you get tired of running same command every day, you can also add this script to crontab:

  1. Open crontab file using command crontab -e
  2. Add job to crontab: 11 12 * * * /usr/bin/python /*full_path*/DiRT_Daily_Results_Importer/run.py all This will run job every day at 12:11.
    You might want to change hours depending on where you live.
  3. Save and exit


To see original version in work, go to http://holymooses.com/DiRT/

Future plans?
