
This website is for make a list of your purposes for this year.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

New Year's Purposes

"New Year Purposes" is a project whose objective is that the user can create a list of his purposes for the new year. The user will be able to create a new purpose with a drop-down form, mark each purpose as completed or incomplete, and when completing all of them the user will receive a surprise.

Features of use:

  • The data to create the purpose will be name, description, image, and color.
  • When creating the purpose, it will be stored in memory.
  • Touching the purpose will display more information and options to delete and complete**.**
  • The rocket graph represents the number of completed purposes.
  • If all the purposes are completed, a celebration will be held.

Project screenshot:

Project screenshot

Used technologies

This project has only front-end technologies

  • Reactjs 18
  • JavaScript
  • Formik
  • Framer motion
  • Sass

Commands to run locally

Clone the project

git clone https://github.com/Anselmo1122/OB-New-year-purposes.git name-directory

Go to the project directory

cd name-directory

Install dependencies

npm install

Start the server

npm start