
This repository serves as a comprehensive resource hub created as a part of the EECS4314 Advanced Software Engineering course assignment. Our objective is to facilitate smoother onboarding for individuals new to the Apache Flink ecosystem.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

EECS4314 Flink Force Apache Flink Resource Hub

Welcome to the EECS4314-FlinkForce team's website, your gateway to insightful Apache Flink Analysis! This repository is a comprehensive resource hub, curated as part of the EECS4314 Advanced Software Engineering course assignment. Our primary goal is to make the onboarding process for newcomers to the Apache Flink ecosystem as seamless as possible. Apache Flink is an open-source framework primarily designed for stream processing, with added batch processing capabilities.

Team FlinkForce

Name Student ID Email GitHub
Alex Arnold 216 703 605 alex290@my.yorku.ca tens-ml
Hashir Jamil 217 452 954 hashirj@my.yorku.ca Hashir-Jamil
James Le 217 270 943 jamesmql@my.yorku.ca jamesmqle
Maaz Siddiqui 216 402 927 msiddiqi@my.yorku.ca mbhsiddiqui
Nabaa Gaziy 215 820 095 Nabaagz@my.yorku.ca Gaziy-Nabaa-215820095
Rafael Dolores 216 142 069 rafd47@my.yorku.ca Anselmo21
Walid AlDari 218 375 162 walidald@my.yorku.ca walido2001
Zach Ross 217 066 119 zachross@my.yorku.ca xzippyzachx

Assignment 1 - Conceptual Architecture

Assignment 2 - Concrete Architecture

Assignment 3 - Discrepancy Analysis

Assignment 4 - Dependency Extraction

Apache Flink Resources

To get started with Apache Flink, we recommend watching an introductory video and reading a high-level overview, such as the one available on Wikipedia. The videos will guide you through setting up Flink, executing jobs, and understanding various facets of the framework. Once you're familiar with the basics, the official documentation and GitHub repository will be invaluable references.

Official Webpage

Source Code

  • Apache Flink is open-source and its codebase is hosted on GitHub.




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