
Copy or rename any file(s) to a hash-secured filename via terminal

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Copy or rename any file(s) to a hash-secured filename via terminal

copy2hash copies or renames file(s) with regular titles to file(s) with a hash-secured title by using the terminal or in python-framework. Having unique filenames is essential for the correct indexing of databases, especially if the data come from different pipelines. Also, it is important if the filename or/and directory contains meta-information, which extends the length of the valid file lengths.

Having regular-filename pairs such as example.inputexample.output can brings very fast confusion and makes analysis of data very confusing. The secured hash algorithms (SHA) [1-5] in copy2hash provides a safe way to generate distinguishable filenames like:


The following SHA algorithms [1-5] are available:

  1. sha1
  2. sha224
  3. sha256
  4. sha384
  5. sha512
  6. blake2b
  7. blake2s
  8. md5
  9. sha3_224
  10. sha3_256
  11. sha3_384
  12. sha3_512
  13. shake_128 with fixed 32 character length
  14. shake_256 with fixed 32 character length

and the copied or moved processed will be automatically logged as:

  1. *.csv-file:
  2. *.json-file
  3. *.pkl-file
  4. *.txt-file
  5. *.yaml-file
  6. *.xml-file


pip install copy2hash


pip install https://github.com/Anselmoo/copy2hash.git


pip install -r requirements.txt
python setup.py install


  1. Python3 >= 3.6
  2. dict2xml>=1.7.0
  3. PyYAML>=5.3.1


╰─ copy2hash * -h
usage: copy2hash [-h] [-r [REPORT [REPORT ...]]] [-rn REPORT_NAME]
                 [-s [SHA [SHA ...]]] [-dir DIRECTORY] [-mv] [-fxt] [-sxt]
                 [-nfxt] [-ver] [-v]
                 [infile [infile ...]]

copy or rename any file(s) to a hash-secured filename via terminal

positional arguments:
  infile                file(s) to copy or to rename with regular filename to
                        secured hash filename

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r [REPORT [REPORT ...]], --report [REPORT [REPORT ...]]
                        define one or a series of file format(s) for the
                        rename-report(s) to retrace the copying or rename of
                        the file(s). The availabel file formats are:'csv',
                        'json', 'pkl', 'txt', 'yaml', 'xml', or own file-
                        extension as ASCII; default is 'json'
  -rn REPORT_NAME, --report_name REPORT_NAME
                        define the report name for the copied or move file(s);
                        default is 'copy_report'
  -s [SHA [SHA ...]], --sha [SHA [SHA ...]]
                        define one or a series of secure hash algorithms (sha)
                        for copying or rename of the file(s). The availabel
                        secure hash algorithms (sha) are: 'sha1', 'sha224',
                        'sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512', 'blake2b', 'blake2s',
                        'md5', 'sha3_224', 'sha3_256', 'sha3_384', 'sha3_512',
                        'shake_128', 'shake_256'; default 'sha256'. The
                        'shake_128' and 'shake_256' are defined for 32
                        character length.
  -dir DIRECTORY, --directory DIRECTORY
                        replace the standard directory ('./') by a specific
                        directory ('./path'). If the specific directory not
                        exist, the directory will be created. This can
                        required sudo rights.
  -mv, --move           moving the file(s) instead of copying the files with
                        regular filename to secure hash filename
  -fxt, --file_extension
                        replaced the given file-extension by the abbreviations
                        of the used secure hash algorithms (sha)
  -sxt, --file_suffix   removed the given file-extension and add a suffix in
                        front of the file based on the abbreviations of the
                        used secure hash algorithms (sha). It is seperated by
                        colon like 'sha256-e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427a
  -nfxt, --no_file_extension
                        removed the any file-extension and just copy or move
                        the file(s) as sha renamed file(s)
  -ver, --verbose       enable the verbose mode
  -v, --version         displays the current version of cop2hash

Other Examples

For keeping the regular file-extension, use:

copy2hash * -r json csv yaml

regular-filename sha256-filename
example.out c8e1f67ad67b8f456afe76b5eb5d6dd0a919b1537cd67b9419f86158e4d9c1b4.out
example.t 97c7bc3705df72f76cf3d3d55228751bc6895a488fb004b112914d4a05447c16.t
example.tx 11297eae82d7866c4dd42e79b8082a5256fa3d54e7e1bf60ab87747e9b664303.tx
example.txt e7cb632359a2be17c1008b50f9ec85691cd5d66834d5fe8f63ef65ceb06682ee.txt
example_1.txt 85a6fae2fca1342a85222088ff0342cbea8222e4140aba96690691c9d58e5786.txt
example_2.txt 0329cb55ddfab933d9753686ddb193148003611df672a4a41aad014ead4767f9.txt
example_l.txt eb4d990362cbf5cccd0b49374b71ca3f799c7262352c9fda7ba875ba034f7168.txt

Removing the regular file-extension and adding the SHA-key in front, use:

copy2hash * -r json csv yaml -sxt

regular-filename sha256-filename
example.out sha256-c8e1f67ad67b8f456afe76b5eb5d6dd0a919b1537cd67b9419f86158e4d9c1b4
example.t sha256-97c7bc3705df72f76cf3d3d55228751bc6895a488fb004b112914d4a05447c16
example.tx sha256-11297eae82d7866c4dd42e79b8082a5256fa3d54e7e1bf60ab87747e9b664303
example.txt sha256-e7cb632359a2be17c1008b50f9ec85691cd5d66834d5fe8f63ef65ceb06682ee
example_1.txt sha256-85a6fae2fca1342a85222088ff0342cbea8222e4140aba96690691c9d58e5786
example_2.txt sha256-0329cb55ddfab933d9753686ddb193148003611df672a4a41aad014ead4767f9
example_l.txt sha256-eb4d990362cbf5cccd0b49374b71ca3f799c7262352c9fda7ba875ba034f7168

More Examples

Generate a report in the json- and yaml-format:

copy2hash example.input example.output -r json yaml

  "index": [0, 1],
  "filename": ["example.input", "example.output"],
  "mode": ["copy", "copy"],
  "home_dir": [".", "."],
  "copy_dir": [".", "."],
  "sha256": [
  - .
  - .
  - example.input
  - example.output
  - .
  - .
  - 0
  - 1
  - copy
  - copy
  - 7e2229daab26b247b877565505b6aaf131014f2cb64e4c4ca796fbe0dc2fadc4.input
  - 4bd077ed771af9ad97e3f2dc45583a14af014ebafb73a846f2436a168ae3eafa.output

Using as Built-in

from copy2hash import copy2hash
from pathlib import Path

args = {
            "infile": list(Path("test").glob("example1.txt")),
            "report": ["json"],
            "report_name": "copy_report",
            "sha": ["sha256"],
            "directory": None,
            "move": None,
            "file_extension": False,
            "file_suffix": False,
            "no_file_extension": False,
            "verbose": True,
            "version": False,




I'm happy to accept how to improve batchplot; please forward your issues or pull requests.

Keep in mind that pull requests have to pass TravisCI in combination with flake8, black, and pydocstyle.


The source code of copy2hash is licensed under the MIT license.


  1. https://docs.python.org/3/library/hashlib.html
  2. https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1321.html
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NIST_hash_function_competition
  4. https://131002.net/blake/
  5. https://docs.python.org/3/library/hashlib.html#hashlib.blake2