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    \|_______|\|__| \|__|\|__|    \|__|\___/ /             \|__|    \|__|    |\_________\
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AnsenTai -Unity FPS Framework.

This is A Unity FPS Shooting Framework

Tool's and Technologys

  • Model, API: Everything is Including Here and Accessible
  • technologys: Valkun, DirectX, TurboC++, blender, Unity, etc.
  • Programming Language: Python, C#, C++,


  • Joing: Go to Email - For Joing team
  • Contacts: Contact PLease Here

For any questions or support, feel free to open an issue on the respective repository or contact us directly at Drchamyoung@gmail.com, Studio.inbora@gmail.com

FPS Framework

FPS Framework is designed for both new Unity users and seasoned developers. With a robust foundation, clean codebase, and exceptional optimization, this framework is adaptable for virtually any FPS project, including pre-existing ones. The framework is continuously evolving and becoming richer in features.


The FPS Framework has been tested with the following Unity versions and render pipelines:

Unity Version Built-in URP HDRP
2021.3.40f1 Compatible Compatible Compatible


Modular Character Controller

  • Effortlessly add new features to the character controller.

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Rigidbody FPS Controllers Support

  • Seamlessly replace the character controller with a Rigidbody FPS Controller.

Replace Core Systems

  • Swap out core components like movement with your custom implementations.

Flexible Inventory

  • Accommodates custom guns, items, and virtually any object. Create any custom item type and the framework will handle it perfectly.

Feature-Rich Firearm System

  • An easy-to-use, modular firearm system enabling the creation of any gun type.



  • Modular explosion systems to craft stunning and accurate explosions.

Explosive Projectiles

  • Develop projectiles with explosive capabilities for rocket launcher-like effects.

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Respawn System

  • User-friendly system for spawning and respawning actors, both Bots and Players.

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Advanced Audio System

  • Modular audio system for managing and playing audio clips, with the ability to add custom events for full control.

Custom Spray Patterns

  • Implement custom spray patterns for firearms, enhancing player control and gameplay enjoyment.

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Modular Attachments System

  • Add attachments to firearms that affect their functionality. The process is quick and straightforward.

Procedural Animation System

  • Generate any FPS animation with minimal effort. Input a value and let the system take care of the rest.

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Superior Game Feel

  • Modular systems enable smooth animations and an exceptional game feel with minimal effort.

New Input System

  • Built on Unity's new input system, making gamepad and mobile support seamless.

Gamepad Support

  • Out-of-the-box support for all gamepads.

Modular Interactables System

  • Easily add new types of interactions with minimal effort.

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Advanced Settings Menu

  • Highly flexible settings menu accepting custom code. Easily add any option.

UI Toolkit

  • Useful default UI elements, including:

    1. Settings menu
    2. Hitmarker
    3. Gun info (Gun name, Ammo count, Ammo type)
    4. Player info (Player name, Player health)
    5. Improved slider UI Element
    6. Carousel selector UI Element
    7. Menu manager and more

Getting Started

To start using the FPS Framework, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone https://github.com/yourusername/fps-framework.git