
Repo for practising QA Automation

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Different Cypress Scenarios which we handle in our daily project

Cypress Examples

  1. Submit the form without passing click => newTab.js

    NOTE - Cypress does not support tab. So, we need to follow 2 steps Step 1. Run npm install -D cypress-plugin-tab Step 2. Add require('cypress-plugin-tab') at the top of cypress/support/index.js:

  2. Find Text using variables and alias => findText.cy.js

  3. Passing Enter as input value => typeEnter.cy.js

  4. Test Responsiveness, using different viewports => webResponsive.cy.js

  5. Change Different Browsers in test => defineBrowser.cy.js

  6. Open New Tab in cypress => newTab.js

  7. Find the Length of elements on Page => findLength.cy.js

  8. alert Test => alertTest.cy.js

  9. Opening google in different ways => google.cy.js

  10. Check if an element exist on the page => assertion2.cy.js

  11. Upload File using .selectFile() => fileUpload.cy.js

  12. Drag and drop =>dragAndDrop.cy.js

  13. Move Hover using 2 ways: Cypress Command and Third-party plugin => mouseHover.js

  14. broken Links on the page => brokenLink.cy.js

  15. How to find current date => currentDate.cy.js

  16. How to avoid delay while entering text in Cypres => delayExample.cy.js

  17. Disable test in Cypress => disableTest.cy.js

  18. Select a value from dropdown => dropdown.cy.js

  19. Run test based on browser => defineBrowser.cy.js

  20. Pick value based on environment variable in Cypress => envVariable.cy.js

  21. Fetch csv value => fetchCsv.cy.js

  22. Ignore case sensitivity in Cypress => ignoreCaseSensitivity.cy.js

  23. Monkey Test in Cypress => monkeyTest.cy.js

  24. Multi Origin Test in Cypress => multiOrigin.cy.js

  25. Pause Execution in Cypress => pauseExecution.cy.js

  26. How to refresh page in Cypress => refreshPage.cy.js

  27. Perform Scroll in Cypress => scrollInToView.cy.js

  28. Skip test based on browser and operating system => skipTest_conditionalBasis.cy.js

  29. How to access value from different test in Cypress => accessValueFromOtherTest.cy.js , Login.cy.js and sharedFunction.cy.js

  30. Take screenshot of command or screenshot of whole page in Cypress => takeScreenshot.cy.js

  31. Disable image on loading the page in Cypress => imageDisable.cy.js

  32. Handle Exception in Cypress => cypressException.cy.js

  33. Automate home page in Cypress => homePage.cy.js

  34. Handle Pagination in Cypress => paginationTest.cy.js

  35. Read data from Fixture => readFixtures.cy.js

  36. Automate login using data driven approach in Cypress => dataDrivenTest.cy.js

  37. Cypress test genaretad from Cypress STudio => cypress_studio.cy.js

  38. How to test reponsiveness of page in Cypress / Testing on different viewports => webResponsive.cy.js

  39. Test differnt HTTP Methods in Cypress.. Perform API testing => api.cy.js

  40. Handle checkbox in Cypress => checkbox.cy.js

  41. Blur and focus on an element in Cypress => blurAndFocus.cy.js

  42. Read data from Excel in Cypress => readExcelData.cy.js => Run "npm install node-xlsx --save"

  43. How to handle tool tip

  44. How to handle basic auth headers