
References and documentation related to agile

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References and documentation related to agile:

Books, Videos, Articles referenced: • Start with Why – Simon Sinek (video 18 mins) • The Phoenix Project: A Novel about IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win • The Eisenhower Matrix (YouTube also has lots of videos) • Getting to Yes (negotiation book) • When: The Scientific Secrets for Perfect Timing – Daniel H. Pink • The Lean Startup by Eric Ries (Minimal Viable Product, using fast feedback to test assumptions and learn fast) (video 58 mins) • Drive: The surprising truth about what motivates us – Daniel H. Pink (Video 10 minutes) • What got you here won’t get you there: How successful people become even more successful – Marshall Goldsmith • Resource Utilization Trap (video with Henrik Kniberg) • Extreme Programming • Shu-Ha-Ri (stages of mastery) • Tuckman’s Stages of Group Development • Patterns for Successful Teams • Manager vs Maker Schedule • Johanna Rothman: Why managers believe multitasking works • T-Shaped People – a blogpost by Jason Yip (Agile Coach at Spotify NY)

Games we played: • Pocket sized principles • Collaborative Origami

Other references which might be helpful:

Reading: • The Scrum Guide: only 19 pages, the official source of the Scrum Framework. Essential if you intend to go for certification. • The Scrum Framework: the video we watched (audio quality is better than via the projector) • Scrum: The Art of doing twice the work in half the time (Jeff Sutherland) • Scrum@Scale (Scrum with many teams)
• Agile Product Ownership in a Nutshell (15 mins) • Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great – essential reading for running good retrospectives.

Practices: • Card Conversation Confirmation (XP technique to drive common understanding) • Definition of Done workshop blogpost (can be used for Definition of Ready too) • Management 3.0 Practices: Team Competency Matrix, Delegation Poker • Estimation: Time vs Story points • Three Amigos (backlog refinement a.k.a. grooming) • Team Trust Canvas