
This repository is all about clone of BobbiBrown Website which we build with Html, Css, Bootstrap and JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Construct Week of Unit-3 | Project-BOBBIBROWN

Hello Everyone, We are building a clone of BobbiBrown. Currently, we are pursuing the Full Stack Web Development course at Masai School. We are in last week of unit 3 which is known by construct week . In this week we build the clone of BobbiBrown which is given by Masai School .

About Project | BOBBIBROWN :

BobbiBrown Link:- Cosmetics | Bobbi Brown Cosmetics This is a Women Cosmetics Products Ecommerce Website. Bobbi Brown is an American professional make-up artist, author, and the founder of Bobbi Brown Cosmetics.Brown created ten natural-shade lipsticks which according to Entrepreneur “revolutionized the beauty industry”. She has written nine books about beauty and wellness.

Our Team Members:

  1. Anshul Kumar Yadav,

  2. Rabinarayan Pradhan,

  3. Vivek Goswami,

  4. Harsha C,

  5. Ananth Kumar,

  6. Rahul Nishad.

Tech Stacks Used for Cloning Website By Us:

HTML : 38.4%

CSS : 21.2%

JavaScript : 40.4%

Above stack percentage is calculated by GitHub it may be different when we updated something.

Some Glimpse and Screenshots of our Website:

Home Page: When we click on any option then we reached at different pages.


New Products:




Create Account:


Login Account:


Add to Bag:


Checkout Products:


Payment Options:


Team Work Efforts:

First we make a Slack and WhatsApp group for better with communication between all of team members ,Then we connect a zoom meet discussion about given project.

In zoom meet we divide small parts of project ,to all the team , next all are collecting raw data for project which content is better to merge and easy to complete work.

Daily we connect a meet after scrum then discuss about past days work and that present days work, any one have issue all the team helps to solve the bug.

Finally all push the data to Git hub main branch and do backend of this project, lot more changes will be occur .

Complete given project works after we talk about presentation part of our project ,and we all are efforts goes to final result then we submit Successfully our project with our team efforts.

What We Learn From This?

We all became proficient in reading the code of team members. How to work and communicate with a team. How to be more efficient and productive at the same time. Here I get to know how the team works, how to keep myself and my teammates motivated throughout the ups and downs. At last, I would like to thank my team members for their support & guidance during the project.

Website Link:- https://anshulkumaryadav.github.io/BobbiBrown/

Source Code:- https://github.com/AnshulKumarYadav/BobbiBrown.git

Blog Link:- https://medium.com/@rahulnishad977/construct-week-of-unit-3-project-bobbibrown-89cb9c7ff341

I hope this article will help you to understand BobbiBrown website project .

Thank you for reading.