
Rails application which keeps a record of user and their blogs.

Primary LanguageCSS


Below functionalities has been integrated into Application:

a) Login Sign in/ Sign up.

b) Ability of a user to add a blog post which is a combination of text and an image.

c) User can comment on these posts.

d) User is also able to reply on comments. Bonus: Make the replies two level deeper.

e) User is able to like a post.

f) Test cases & Comments.

g) Deployed Application to heroku server.

h) Rake Task for populating roles in Database.

i) Create Module for user role to make controller slim.

How to Run this Application:

First way:

I have already deployed this Application to heroku and can be access with this URL: https://instant-blogger.herokuapp.com, in order to use the application first SignUp New User and then Login and enjoy creating your Own Posts.

Second way:

Clone the repo to your local machine with command: git clone https://github.com/AnshulRiyal/BloggerApp.git Now run Bundle Install (Note: Rails Version: Rails & Ruby Version: ruby 2.6.2 Now run rails db:create Now run rails db:migrate Start your server

You're all set to play with the Application!!!!!!!