
An OTT web app created using Reactjs. The frontend UI of the video streaming platform is implemented using ReactJs and the BackEnd to support the UI is managed by the FireBase. All the online video content specifically, such as movies, TV shows, live event broadcasts and online videos produced by general content creators are fetched from The movie Database API which allows users to choose from more than 30,000 movies and tv shows. We are using Axios ,which is a Promise-based HTTP client for JavaScript. It becomes easy to send asynchronous HTTP request to REST endpoints and perform CRUD operations. We are using Axios to fetch the movies and shows from the TMDB API. We have implemented react-youtube module which is a simple React component acting as a thin layer over the YouTube IFrame Player API. Its feature url playback, playback event bindings and customizable player options. We are using a module called movie-trailer to Fetch Youtube trailers for any movie. It can Return one or many trailer URLs which can be rendered on UI when the users requests.

Primary LanguageJavaScript
