Fogram Social App - Android Social app base on Firebase.

Fogram is a example for Social app base on Google Firebase, messages are delivered in real-time.

1-Chat | Group Chat
Chat with friend: add friend, unfriend, send text message.
Chat in group: create group, add member, kickoff member, delete group and rename.
2-Publish Tweet and Photos Like Facebook
3-Publish Stories With timeline like Facebook
4-Like | Comment | Reply
5-Follow | UnFollow
6-Visit Profile
7-Edit Photos
8-Add Sticker To Photos
9-send Sticker Via Chat
10-Send Records Via Chat
11-Send Photos Via Chat
12-Chat History Saved in Local Storage Like WhatsApp
13-Chat Photos | Records Saved in Local Storage Like WhatsApp
14-Access To History Chat Without NetworkConnection Like WhatsApp
15-Push notification on status bar when has new message , Likes , Comments And Following.
16-Admin Roles

Create firebase console
Following step by step in this link


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License & copyright

Mohamed El Sayed 2018