
Javascript namespaces

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Babel Plugin for Javascript Namespaces

Build status: Circle CI


This is a Babel plugin so it requires Babel v6 to run.


This module is distributed using npm which comes bundled with node:

npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-namespaces

To include the plugin in your project, create or open your .babelrc file at the root of your project. Then, add namespaces to your plugin list:

  plugins: ["namespaces"]

Settings and options are below.


Trying to traverse the directory tree with modules is awkward at best. Imagine a simple front-end directory for Redux:


Trying to get an action from the shared view directory is a horrible experience. The import path would look something like ../../actions/ui-actions/someAction.js. For larger projects, these directory hierarchies could easily expand. On top of that, what if you have shared libraries between back-end and front-end?

From the same view, you'd have to access that universal library via ../../../universal/utils/util. These long paths are often error-prone and are guess work at best on larger projects.


To setup namespaces, go into the root .babelrc which specifies plugins and presets for Babel to consume.

Add the plugin to the .babelrc:

  plugins: ["namespaces"]

To add options, use Babel's plugin options by replacing the plugin string with an array of the plugin name and an object with the options:

  plugins: [
    ["namespaces", {
      namespaces: {
        universal: './universal/lib'

The keys of the namespaces object will be used to match against an import statement. To use a namespace in a file, simply place the name of the namespace (such as universal) in angle brackets like so <universal> and continue writing the path from there.

import utils from `<universal>/utils`; //which would transpile to ./universal/lib/utils

Directory namespacing

The babel plugin will create config paths for namespaces. Example:

  plugins: [
        namespaces: {
          actions: './src/actions',
      	  reducers: './src/reducers',
      	  views: './src/views',
      	  universal: './universal'

And so on. That way, you'd only have to write an import as such no matter where your code rests relative to the libraries you want to import:

import utils from '<universal>/utils';
import { fetchTasks, addTask } from '<actions>/data-actions/tasks';
import taskView from '<views>/shared/task';

Imagine that the above declaration resided in ./src/views/home/home.js view. The compiled result would look like this:

import utils from '../../../universal/utils';
import { fetchTasks, addTask } from '../../actions/data-actions/tasks';
import taskView from '../shared/task';

Root pathing

What if you don't want to create a namespace for every major directory or module? You're welcome to use the default <root> namespace which allows you setup pathing from the root of your project. The previous imports could be easily rewritten as:

import utils from '<root>/universal/utils';
import { fetchTasks, addTask } from '<root>/src/actions/data-actions/tasks';
import taskView from '<root>/src/views/shared/task';

Individual module namespacing

Beside being able to specify namespaces for frequently used directories and paths, you can also specify full paths to modules. Let's look at our utils example from above. We'll add a new namespace:

  namespaces: {
    actions: './src/actions',
	reducers: './src/reducers',
	views: './src/views',
	universal: './universal',
	"universal/utils": './universal/utils'

Our previous import would be simplified to use:

import utils from '<universal/utils>';

Since the plugin works on a simple search/replace mechanism, the namespace for our universal utilities could easily just be <utils>.

Better Organization


  • basic pathing and settings
  • root pathing: <root>
  • config -> namespaces, and add options key
  • support for plain requires
  • transpilation to ES5
  • ESlint support