
Automatically generate class diagram from your code

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status Coverage Status Maven Central

UML Reverse Mapper

Automatically generate class diagram from your code.

Using reflection, UML Reverse Mapper scans your packages that contain your code. It then builds a graph of class relations and outputs either a Graphviz .dot file or a PlantUML .puml file.

The tool is available in command line version (urm-core) and Maven plugin (urm-maven-plugin).

Using from the command-line

Build the urm-core project with mvn clean package and grab the generated artifact urm-core.jar. Then you need the archive that will be analyzed. In this example we use abstract-factory.jar and assume the package name to be com.iluwatar.abstractfactory. Place the jar-files in the same directory and execute the following command.

java -cp abstract-factory.jar:urm-core.jar com.iluwatar.urm.DomainMapperCli -p com.iluwatar.abstractfactory -i com.iluwatar.abstractfactory.Castle

This will scan all the classes under the package com.iluwatar.abstractfactory except Castle that was marked to be ignored and output the markup to your console output. By default PlantUML presenter is used, but it can be changed with switch -s graphviz. If you want to write it to file use switch -f filename. If you need to scan multiple packages use format -p "com.package1, com.package2". Note that under Windows OS the classpath separator is ; instead of :

Using the Maven plugin

Add to your pom.xml the following:

        <!-- if outputDirectory is not set explicitly it will default to your build dir -->
  • packages configuration parameter contains a list of packages that should be included in the class diagram
  • ignores configuration parameter contains a list of types that should be excluded from the class diagram
  • Dependencies list should contain the artifacts where the classes are found. See https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-configuring-plugins.html#Using_the_dependencies_Tag
  • includeMainDirectory configuration parameter indicates to include classes of src/main/java directory. Default value of includeMainDirectory is true.
  • includeTestDirectory configuration parameter indicates to include classes of src/test/java directory. Default value of includeTestDirectory configuration parameter is false.
  • presenter parameter control which presenter is used. Can be either graphviz or plantuml.

When process-classes life-cycle phase gets executed, the class diagram will be saved to the location specified by outputDirectory parameter. If not specified the file is saved to /target/${project.name}.urm.dot or /target/${project.name}.urm.puml. Use this file with your local or online tools to show your class diagram.


Here are some class diagrams generated with the urm-maven-plugin and the PlantUML Presenter as well as PlantUML's free generation/hosting service.

Async Method Invocation Builder Datamapper

Deploy Instructions

Performing a Release Deployment

mvn clean deploy -P release

Release notes

  • 1.4.8

    • Update dependencies to latest versions #21
    • Work on Java 11 compatibility #18
    • Create directories for the output file, if they don't exist
  • 1.4.7

    • Update README.md instruction #20
    • Presenter can not be chosen via command line parameter #22
    • Presenter can not be chosen via plugin parameters #23