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Technical Test for Front End Engineer

We focus here on JavaScript code design and design patterns. The objective is to evaluate your experience in writing code that is intelligible, easy to maintain, loosely coupled, with accessibility and high cohesion.

The main objective of this challenge is to test your skills in Front-end Development 🥳


  • Your coding style;
  • Good practices;
  • Documentation (comment on technical decisions, choices, requirements, etc.);
  • Tests (very important!);
  • Solution/architecture design;
  • Code (Modularization, Nomenclatures, Standardization, Reuse);
  • Use CSS naming standards;
  • Your skills about UI/UX;


  • Clean Code;
  • SOLID Principles;
  • Webpack
  • Concern about usability and accessibility;
  • Mobile first e layout responsivo;


  • Use some modern lib/framework (preferably ReactJS) - Optional;
  • Typescript
  • Feedback on the challenge based on solid arguments.
  • Special care with optimization, SEO, among others;


  • Create a new fork of this repository and a branch with your first-last name and make a pull request when you're done;
  • We'll do the code review;
  • Use your repository's main README to tell us how you solved the problem;

Tip: Create coherent commits that tell the story of your project.

User Story

You will build an application to search for bands and artists using the APIs do Youtube e TicketMaster.

It is a simple application, where we will search for a specific artist or band in order to have access to the Youtube videos returned by the search and also the data of this band requested through the Ticketmaster API.

Our idea of ​​interface is a screen with only a search field in the center of the screen, which when activated with the name of the band, will submit this search to the Youtube API, returning a listing with some videos of this band. When submitting the form, the field must be positioned at the top of the screen, so that the entire space in the middle of the page is better used.

For each of the videos, we would like to see the basic data like title, description and thumbnail (obviously the more information you show the better, like rating, user who uploaded, etc).

When we click on the video, we want to play the video (embedded there, in a modal or opened in a new tab on youtube.

In addition to the video listing, we'd also like to show you some information about the band, such as social media contact details, images, and whatever else you can extract from the TicketMaster API.

One tip is to use the Attraction Search feature of TicketMaster's Discovery API to return this information.

You can generate your own API Keys to consume the APIs;

Sending the Challenge

Then send an email to, with:

  • Title: [Front-end Engineer] Your name;
  • Pull Request link with your code;
  • Information about you: Github, LinkedIn and everything you consider important;


If you have any questions or suggestions, send your questions directly to us or open an issue.