
Demonstrates a basic build of a .NET Core NuGet package using https://cakebuild.net/

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Cake build

Package Release Pre-release
Contoso.Hello.Logic MyGet MyGet
Contoso.Hello.SuperLogic MyGet MyGet
CI Status Platform(s) Framework(s) Test Framework(s)
Travis CI Build Status Linux, OS X nestandard2.0 netcoreapp2.0.5
AppVeyor Build Status Windows nestandard2.0, net461 netcoreapp2.0.5, net461
CircleCI Build Status Docker: microsoft/dotnet:2.0.5-sdk-2.1.4-jessie nestandard2.0 netcoreapp2.0.5

Demonstrates a basic build of a .NET Core NuGet package using Cake.

I tried to create a somewhat realistic scenario without writing too much code:

  • The solution contains two projects which will be packed as NuGet packages.
    • The SuperLogic project depends from Logic and when packing this project reference will be turned into a NuGet package reference (handled out of the box by dotnet pack).
    • The Logic project references a NuGet package from nuget.org via a PackageReference, dotnet pack will turn this into a package reference.
  • The projects target both nestandard2.0 and net461 so they can be used with the .NET Framework (net461 and above).
  • The solution contains a test project.
  • Use SemVer to version the DLLs and the NuGet packages.

Benefits over a nuspec file

  • A single file describing the package and the project instead of two (*.csproj and *.nuspec)
  • References (projects or NuGet packages) are resolved automatically. There is no need to tweak a file manually anymore!

Referencing a project without turning it into a package reference

The SuperLogic project depends on the ExtraLogic project but we don't want to ship ExtraLogic as a package. Instead we want to include Contoso.Hello.ExtraLogic.dll in the SuperLogic package directly. Currently this is not supported out of the box but the team is tracking it.

Luckily this issue provides a workaround. All the modifications will take place in SuperLogic.csproj.

  • In the <PropertyGroup> section add the following line:
<ProjectReference Include="..\ExtraLogic\ExtraLogic.csproj">
  • Finally add the target responsible of copying the DLL:
<Target Name="IncludeReferencedProjectInPackage">
    <BuildOutputInPackage Include="$(OutputPath)Contoso.Hello.ExtraLogic.dll" />

Pinning the version of Cake

To pin the version of Cake, add the following lines to your .gitignore file:


Pinning the version of Cake guarantees you'll be using the same version of Cake on your machine and in the build server.

Reusing this to bootstrap your project


Each time a commit is pushed to master or features/* Travis CI, CircleCI and AppVeyor will build the changes.

In case of a successful build AppVeyor will:

  • On master
    • Create a GitHub release
    • Publish the NuGet packages (including symbols) to gabrielweyer feed
  • On features/*
    • Create a GitHub pre-release
    • Publish the NuGet packages (including symbols) to gabrielweyer-pre-release feed

Travis CI

Build status is visible here.

Travis CI has a few limitations:

  • Linux and OS X only so you can't build any net* Frameworks
    • For this reason I'm not publishing the NuGet packages from Travis CI
    • build.sh (the Cake bootstrapper) has been modified to support Cake Core CLR
    • build.cake has been modified
      • Targets netstandard2.0 / netcoreapp2.0 only on Travis (search for TravisCI.IsRunningOnTravisCI)
      • Custom implementation of GitVersion (search for SemVer), the built-in helper wouldn't work on mono
  • Doesn't parse test result files
  • Artifacts have to be uploaded to S3


Build status is visible here.

  • Windows only
  • Can target both .NET Core and .NET Framework
    • For this reason we'll publish the NuGet packages using AppVeyor
  • Can create a GitHub release and tag the repository if required
  • Supports artifacts and test results
  • You can modify AppVeyor's build number programatically
    • Cake integrates with AppVeyor: publish test results, upload artifacts, update build number...


Build status is visible here.

  • Linux and OS X
  • Build in Docker containers
  • Supports artifacts and test results

Status checks

The master branch is protected:

  • Force push is disabled on master
  • master cannot be deleted
  • Non-protected branches (such as features/*) cannot be merged into master until they satisfy:
    • An AppVeyor passing build
    • A Travis passing build
    • A CircleCI passing build

After a branch was configured as protected, GitHub will suggest available status checks.