- acidburn0zzzEurope - Belgique.
- ARoiD
- BuZZ-dEEOldenburg
- DavidPesticcio@UKHomeOffice @bbc @DEFRA @DevOpsGuys
- FearedTexas
- firebitsbrUniverse
- fnord0
- frozenxuanMalaysia
- helinb
- idealAlibaba
- joariasl@zetta-biz
- karasuInstitut Sabadell
- lugorians
- matheusfaustinoFrankfurt / DE
- michaelspeed@tophatmonocle
- mudongliangHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- networkelementsNeo Saitama Kingdom
- nexayq
- nitipit
- nuta@vercel
- paladiniGrupo Boticário
- polamjagHatena Co., Ltd. (@hatena)
- prescott66Slovakia
- prodigeniConnexion Foundation
- promaq
- pvinisMy house, an office, the beach?
- rasmuspeders1
- sahwarBulgaria/Mr. worldwide
- SecTec
- thinktapperSoftware Engineer
- tunnckoCoreOpen Source & @nodejs since 2014
- VFedykUkraine
- xikxp1@Yandex
- yoshuawuyts@microsoft
- Zeioth
- zuhlke-rex