
Some Battlefield4 PRoCon plug-in (include a VS2019 project template)

Primary LanguageC#

PRoCon Plugins


This is a PRoCon plug-in project solution.

ConsoleApp1 for some test code.
ExampleCollection some other's example that's not mine.
FriendManager not completed.
RemoteManager can execute remote powershell or cmd commends through the local host
ServerLogger can record all player soldiername,eagudi,pbguid,ipaddress,country that enters the server
AutoIdleTime can auto enable idleTimeout DefaultTimeout when player count >= Threshold

How to use project template

  1. Copy PRoConPlugoin.zip to %HOMEPATH%\Documents\Visual Studio xxxx\Templates\ProjectTemplates.
  2. Open visual studio and create "PRoCon Library" project.

Some Event Trigger

trigger event
admin.killPlayer OnPlayerKilled and OnPlayerKilledByAdmin
!mm??? OnPlayerTeamChange
admin.movePlayer OnPlayerMovedByAdmin and OnPlayerTeamChange
player.isAlive OnPlayerIsAlive
LevelLoaded OnLevelLoaded
RoundOver OnRoundOver OnRoundOverPlayers OnRoundOverTeamScores
TeamID Left:1 Right:2

Event Index
