Meridian 59 v1.1, January, 2015 Andrew Kirmse and Chris Kirmse Copyright 1994-2022 Andrew Kirmse and Chris Kirmse All rights reserved. Meridian is a registered trademark. LICENSE This project is distributed under a license that is described in the LICENSE file. The license does not cover the game content (artwork, rooms, audio, etc.), which are not included. Note that "Meridian" is a registered trademark and you may not use it without our written permission. The license requires that if you redistribute this code in any form, you must make the source code available, including any changes you make. We would love it if you would contribute your changes back to the original source so that everyone can benefit. WHAT'S INCLUDED AND NOT INCLUDED The source to the client, server, game code, Blakod compiler, room editor, and all associated tools are included. The source code to the Miles Sound System audio library is not included. Client builds that you make will use the fallback waveplay audio library instead. BUILD INSTRUCTIONS The code has been built successfully with Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition, which you can download for free at 1. Make sure Visual Studio's binaries are in your path, e.g. by using the vcvars32.bat script that comes with Visual Studio. 2. Go to the top-level directory (the one that contains this README). 3. Type "nmake" to build debug versions, or "nmake RELEASE=1" to build release versions. RUN INSTRUCTIONS After building the code, a server install is available in the run\server directory. Type "blakserv.exe" in that directory to run the server. A client install is available in the run\localclient directory. You will need to retrieve the artwork, rooms, and audio files from elsewhere and copy them into the resource subdirectory. The first thing you'll probably want to do is create an admin account on the server so that you can log in. Go to the "Administration" tab on the server's interface and enter the command: create account admin joe.smith password (Don't use this default account name or password, or people will likely take over your server. You'll get back a message like "Created ACCOUNT 4".) Then create a character slot on that account with create admin 4 You'll now be able to log in with this account name and password. Be sure to "save game" from the server interface to save this new account. You can point your local client at your local server by running the client (meridian.exe) with command line flags, like this: meridian.exe /U:joe.smith /W:password /H:localhost /P:5959 RUNNING ON LINUX The server can be built on Linux with the following commands: cd blakserv make -f makefile.linux The blakserv.cfg file requires some manual changes to run on Linux. THIRD-PARTY CODE Meridian uses zlib, libpng libarchive. All three are built from source. libarchive was configured via cmake with the following cmake environment variables set to use zlib: ZLIB_INCLUDE_DIR points to the include directory ZLIB_LIBRARY points to lib/zlib.lib CONTACT INFORMATION You can contact us at Our Web site is, where you can also read about the history of the game.