
IndexedDB proxy class for ExtJS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ExtJS IndexedDB proxy

Allows to use the browser IndexedDB as an ExtJS proxy.

I could not find any other IndexedDB proxy for ExtJS online that looked good or worked, so I wrote my own, taking into account how ExtJSs local storage proxy worked.

This proxy allows you to read, write and remove data from IndexedDB. Tree data is also supported but not throughout tested.

Please note that this was only tested on ExtJS modern version If you would like to use it on newer versions you will probably have to make changes into the class.



The IndexedDB proxy uses the IDB library: https://github.com/jakearchibald/idb

Download IDB https://github.com/jakearchibald/idb#using-external-script-reference and add it to your ExtJS project by placing it into your resources/scripts directory Example: MYPROJ/resources/scripts/idb.js. Then set up your project to load it as a dependency by editing your project's app.json and in the js section adding the file:

 * List of all JavaScript assets in the right execution order.
 * ...
"js": [
    "path": "resources/scripts/idb.js"

IndexedDB Proxy

Copy the data directory into your app directory. Example: MYPROJ/app/data.

Edit MYPROJ/app/data/proxy/IndexedDB.js and replace MYPROJ in Ext.define('MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB', { by your own project name.


Let's imagine we're writing a Twitter search application and want to save the user's searches locally so they can easily perform a saved search again later. We'd start by creating a Search model:

Ext.define('Search', {
    fields : ['id', 'query'],
    extend : 'Ext.data.Model',
    proxy: new MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB({
        dbName          : 'twitter',
        objectStoreName : 'searches'

Our Search model contains just two fields - id and query - plus a Proxy definition. The only configuration we need to pass to the IndexedDB proxy are dbName and objectStoreName. This is important as it separates the Model data in this Proxy from all others. The IndexedDB API puts all data into a single database and objectStore pair, so by setting the dbName and objectStoreName we enable IndexedDBProxy to manage the saved Search data.

We can also specify the database version, specifying a different version than the one before will remove the previous database if it exists:

Ext.define('Search', {
    fields : ['id', 'query'],
    extend : 'Ext.data.Model',
    proxy: new MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB({
        dbName          : 'twitter',
        objectStoreName : 'searches'
        dbVersion       : 2

The default database version is 1.

Saving our data into IndexedDB is easy and would usually be done with a Store:

// Our Store automatically picks up the IndexedDBProxy defined on the
// Search model.
const store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { model: "Search" });

// Loads any existing Search data from IndexedDB.

// Now add some Searches.
store.add({query: 'Sencha Touch'});
store.add({query: 'Ext JS'});

// Finally, save our Search data to IndexedDB.

The IndexedDBProxy uses the same IDs automatically that exist on the store. Calling store.sync() places the model into the IndexedDB database. We can also save directly to IndexedDB, bypassing the Store altogether:

const search = Ext.create('Search', {query: 'Sencha Animator'});

// Uses the configured IndexedDBProxy to save the new Search to
// IndexedDB.

Example of store using the IndexedDB Proxy:

Ext.define('MYPROJ.store.MyStore', {
   extend     : 'Ext.data.Store',
   model      : 'MYPROJ.model.MyModel',
   alias      : 'my_store',
   storeId    : 'my_store_id',
   requires   : ['MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB'],
   remoteSort : true,
   autoLoad   : true,
   sorters    : [{property: 'date', direction: 'DESC'}],
   pageSize   : 20,

   proxy: new MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB({
      dbName          : 'mydb',
      objectStoreName : 'mystore',
      model           : 'MYPROJ.model.MyModel'


If this proxy is used in a browser where IndexedDB is not supported, the constructor will throw an error.

This proxy requires a unique dbName and objectStoreName which are used to identify the database and objectStore. If the dbName and objectStoreName are not supplied the proxy will throw an error.

This proxy checks if the internal data is hierarchical by testing if a single entry has a leaf or parentId property. You can set the isHierarchical property of the proxy to define this ahead of time and don't check when the proxy is instantiated:

proxy: new MYPROJ.app.data.proxy.IndexedDB({
   dbName          : 'twitter',
   objectStoreName : 'searches',
   isHierarchical  : true

Please check the IndexedDB proxy source comments and code for more details.