DoTheThing - Ticketing support system to manage .


  • What It Is
  • What We Used
  • MVP
  • Stretch Goals
  • Authors
  • Github Link

##What It Is

A support ticketing application built with JavaScript, Node.js, PostgreSQL, HTML and CSS to help track support tickets and ensure completion. It allows for anyone to create a ticket, tickets are placed into a queue and then allow users to grab or assign the ticket/tasks to themselves to work on and complete it along with add any notes about the ticket. The application can easily be modified to act as a productivity tool for employers to track the work of their employees as well.

##What We Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Node.js
  • PostgreSQL

##MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

The MVP for this project changed was definitely ambitious. We had so much that we wanted to do with this application we really had to think about what all was going to be needed for this application to really make sense. In the end we didn't really get to spend much time on our stretch goals, but were able to succesfully integrate all MVP features.

Our first MVP iteration included:

  • A main landing page for the application.
  • A login screen to allow users to log in.
  • A submit request page to allow users to submit tickets.
  • A user dashboard to see all tickets related to user.
  • Tickets page that shows all tickets in different catagories.
  • A notes page that will show the details for each ticket along with ability to input notes.

##Stretch Goals

  • Create an admin dashboard that would have ability to handle all tickets.
  • Add SMS support so when tasks are completed, the ticket submitor would get a text response.
  • Adding rating system or upvote to the tickets, to allow for basic urgency tracking.
  • Alert system - when new ticket submitted, alert is sent to users.


##Github Link
