This is a flask application that allows writers to post blogs, edit and delite blogs. It also allows users who have signed up to comment on the blogs that has been posted by a writer. It also allows a person to subscribed to recieve email everytime a new blog is posted by a writer.
- A user can view the most recent posts.
- View and comment the blog posts on the site.
- A user should an email alert when a new post is made by joining a subscription.
- Register to be allowed to log in to the application
- A user sees random quotes on the site
- A writer can create a blog from the application and update or delete blogs I have created.
Behaviour | Input | Output |
Load the page | On page load | Get all blogs, Select between signup and login |
Select SignUp | Email,Username,Password | Redirect to login |
Select Login | Username and password | Redirect to page with blogs that have been posted by writes and be able to subscribe to the blog |
Select comment button | Comment | Form that you input your comment |
Click on submit | Redirect to all comments tamplate with your comment and other comments | |
Subscription | Email Address | Flash message "Succesfully subsbribed to JymBlog" |
To get the code..
- Cloning the repository:
- Move to the folder and install requirements
cd JymBlog
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Exporting Configurations
export SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI=postgresql+psycopg2://{User Name}:{password}@localhost/{database name}
- Running the application
python server
- Testing the application
python test
Open the application on your browser
- There are no known bugs currently but pull requests are allowed incase you spot a bug
If you have any question or contributions, please email me at []
- MIT License:
- Copyright (c) 2021 Anthony