Hi there, I'm Anthony!
This is a web lication for viewing great pictures and designs. Images on site are updated by Admin of the page.Where images are in various locations.
- Copy the github repository url
- Clone to your computer
- Open terminal and navigate to the directory of the project you just cloned to your computer
- Run the following command to start the server using virtual environment
python3.8 -m venv --without-pip virtual
- To activate the virtual environment
source virtual/bin/activate
curl https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py | python
pip install -r requirements.txt
- To copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
Edit the .env file and replace the values with your own Cloudinary credentials and database credentials
To run the server
python manage.py runserver
- Open the browser and navigate to to see the lication in action
The following languages have been used on this project:
- Bootstrap
- Python
- Django
- PostgreSQL
- There are no known bugs currently but pull requests are allowed incase you spot a bug
If you have any question or contributions, please email me at [jymal6anthony4@gmail.com]
- MIT License:
- Copyright (c) 2021 Anthony