
My Ajax version of our 136 assignment

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Final iteration of the project for CSE 136

Contributions To This Iteration:
Daniel Kong - Forgot Password functionality and look, email verification functionality and look, placed carot icons on the bookmark sorting. A lot of debugging and consulting.

Abbas Dharamsey - Hamburger functionaility for mobile view, logout functionality as well as kicks users to login when there is no active session. Helped design mobile view, data analytics. A lot of debugging and consulting.

Anders Trier - Server side hosting, Nginx proxying, logging server actions, automatic re-launching of node instance on crash. A lot of debugging and consulting.

Anthony Altieri - Pretty much everything else that is code, this includes but is not limited to: various services, front end functionality/styeling not mentioned prior, error pages/routing to custom error pages, writing the server, templating, styling, local storage utilization with a cookie fallback for sessions. Counting how many users don't have javscript enabled, imforming users that they must have cookies enabled, or have local storage for the application to work. Created a Service worker but didn't have time to implement it. Made all of the mobile version in for things not priorly mentioned. A lot of debugging and consulting.

Seung Hoon Kim - Designed error pages that are not in utilization.

Guillaume Hauss - Was having computer issues but helped throughout the process.