
Command line utility that enables users to search for TV and movie torrents and stream using Peerflix automatically.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status codecov

Command line utility that enables users to search for TV and movie torrents and stream using Peerflix automatically.


  • Extracts Torrent data from multiple APIs.
  • Provides advanced search functionality. Filter by sort type (download count, seeds, likes), genres, minimum rating.
  • Includes subtitle support where subtitles can be downloaded automatically for the chosen TV show or movie.


ezflix is available on the Python Package Index (PyPI) at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ezflix

You can install ezflix using pip.

$ pip install ezflix

This program requires Peerflix. You can install Peerflix via npm.

$ npm install -g peerflix

Supported Media Players

Below is a list of media players supported in Peerflix.

  • mpv
  • airplay
  • vlc
  • mplayer
  • smplayer
  • mpchc
  • potplayer
  • webplay
  • omx

In ezflix, the default player is mpv. It will fallback to vlc if mpv isn't found.

You can use the media_player argument to set your media player.

CLI Usage

usage: ezflix [-h] [--limit [LIMIT]] [--minimum_rating [MINIMUM_RATING]]
              [--media_player [{mpv,vlc,mplayer,smplayer,mpchc,potplayer,webplay,omx,airplay}]]
              [--latest] [--subtitles]
              [--sort_by [{download_count,like_count,date_added,seeds,peers,rating,title,year}]]
              [--sort_order [{asc,desc}]] [--quality [{720p,1080p,3d}]]
              [--genre GENRE] [--remove] [--no_seeds] [--debug] [--no-menu]
              [--language LANGUAGE] [-v]
              [{movie,tv}] query

positional arguments:
  {movie,tv}            The media type.
  query                 The search query.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --limit [LIMIT]       TThe limit of results per page that has been set
  --minimum_rating [MINIMUM_RATING]
                        Used to filter movie by a given minimum IMDb rating
  --media_player [{mpv,vlc,mplayer,smplayer,mpchc,potplayer,webplay,omx,airplay}]
                        The media player.
  --latest              Play the latest TV episode.
  --subtitles           Load subtitles file.
  --sort_by [{download_count,like_count,date_added,seeds,peers,rating,title,year}]
                        Sorts the results by choosen value
  --sort_order [{asc,desc}]
                        Orders the results by either Ascending or Descending
  --quality [{720p,1080p,3d}]
                        Used to filter by a given quality.
  --genre GENRE         Used to filter by a given genre (See
                        http://www.imdb.com/genre/ for full list)
  --remove              Remove files on exit.
  --no_seeds            Include torrents that have no seeds
  --debug               Set this flag to print JSON to stdout.
  --no-menu             Set this flag to not show the usage menu on program
  --language LANGUAGE   Language as IETF code. Set this argument to download
                        subtitles in a given language.
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Once you get the list of torrents returned, these options are available:

  • Enter the id of the search result you want to stream. This will start streaming the torrent in the media player specified.
  • Enter 'next' to see the next page of movies.
  • Enter 'prev' to see the previous page of movies.
  • Enter 'search' to refine your search.
  • Enter 'info' and the id of the torrent to get the movie/tv show overview.
  • Enter 'trailer' and the id of the torrent to play the movie trailer.
  • Enter 'similar' and the id of the torrent to find similar movies.
  • Enter 'imdb' and the id of the torrent to open the imdb media webpage.
  • Enter 'quit' to close the program.


$ ezflix "The Man in the High Castle"

Pass '--latest' to watch the latest episode of a given TV series.

$ ezflix "South Park" --latest

To search for movies, pass the 'movie' argument.

$ ezflix movie "Mad Max"

Search for movies released in 2017 and order by like count descending.

$ ezflix movie '2017' --sort_by=like_count --sort_order=desc

Search for thrillers released in 2017 and order by download count descending.

$ ezflix movie '2017' --sort_by=download_count --sort_order=desc --genre=thriller

Automatically download German subtitles for your chosen TV show or movie.

$ ezflix movie 'Goodfellas' --subtitles --language=de

Pass the quality argument to only list torrents of a given quality.

$ ezflix movie 'They Live' --quality=720p


The Python unittest module contains its own test discovery function, which you can run from the command line:

$ python -m unittest discover tests/

Programmatic Usage

You can use Ezflix programmatically in your own applications.

Search for movie torrents by title and print out the torrent link for each result.

from ezflix import Ezflix

ezflix = Ezflix(query='Goodfellas', media_type='movie', quality='720p', limit=1)
movies = ezflix.search()
for movie in movies:

Search for tv torrents by title and print out the torrent link for each result.

from ezflix import Ezflix

ezflix = Ezflix(query='chernobyl')
shows = ezflix.search()
for s in shows:


Pull requests and feedback on how to improve this project is always welcome.

To submit a PR:

  • Fork the project and clone locally.
  • Create a new branch for what you're going to work on.
  • Push to your origin repository.
  • Create a new pull request in GitHub.