Handheld Gameduino3 display shield for the Teensy 4.1, 3.6 or Adafruit Feather form factor boards.
- Teensy and Feather headers.
- Arduino shield header for use with a Gameduino3 screen.
- USB-A host jack for Teensy 3.6 and 4.1 boards. For plugging in an external keyboard, mouse, or controller.
- 3v coin cell footprint for Teensy RTC.
- Through hole buttons for up, down, left, right, a, b, x, y, start, select.
- On board power:
Charging the battery won’t work with the power switch in the off positon. One cut and jumper wire is needed. See these images:
- Correct missing silkscreen pin labels
- Make all through hole GND connections square pads.
- Push-button on/off operation using this schematic.
- L and R shoulder buttons.
- Analog sticks?
- Gameduino 3X Dazzler surface mount footprint.
- Display panel FPC connector and backlight driver.
- Solder jumpers to control battery charge rate.