
Basic calculator for iOS built with Swift in Xcode. Meant to mimic the native iOS calculator with all basic operations.

Primary LanguageSwift



Basic iOS calculator built in Xcode with Swift. Meant to mimic the native iOS calculator in both appearance and basic functionality.

Built to run on iPhones with iOS 13.0 and above, optimized to look good on all compatable iPhone screen sizes.


  • Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
  • Full decimal number support with the dot operation
  • All clear (AC) button to remove all data and reset the calculator
  • Delete button to delete the last entered digit
  • Plus/minus button to change the sign of the inputted number
  • Scientific notation conversion for numbers greater in magnitude than 9 digits
  • Intelligent rounding for maximum precision
  • Displays whole numbers whenever possible

Device Screenshots

Below are some screenshots from an iPhone X simulator showing some of the BasicCalculator functionalities

Default Initial Screen Integer Output Rounded Double Output Negative Scientific Notation Output
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