
First iOS app built in Xcode with storyboards. Involves an intuitive UI in which users can add food to a table with ratings.

Primary LanguageSwift



First iOS app built in Xcode with storyboards utilizing MVC architecture.

Built from the following tutorial for practice: https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/DevelopiOSAppsSwift/ConnectTheUIToCode.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40015214-CH22-SW1

This tutorial focused on many of the major parts of a standard iOS app:

  • Basic UI
  • Connecting UI to code
  • Working with view controllers
  • Implementing custom controls
  • Defining data models
  • Creating a table view complete with edit and delete functionality
  • Implementing navigation
  • Data persistance

Some enhancements were made to the tutorial, including:

  • Automatic scaling for meal images to support multiple device sizes
  • A button to add a new image to a meal
  • Camera support for adding an image on a real device

Device Screenshots

Below are some screenshots showing the main fucntionalities of the FoodTracker app

Main Screen Table View Edit Table Add a New Meal View a Meal/Edit a Meal
alt text alt text alt text alt text