
A collection of helpers that make unit testing UIKit easier.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Version License Platform


AMTestHelpers is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your test target in your Podfile:

pod "AMTestHelpers"


Once AMTestHelpers is included in your test target, all calls to the following methods will be stubbed out through the built in method swizzling.

  • UIViewController
    • presentViewController: animated: completion:
    • dismissViewControllerAnimated: completion:
  • UIResponder
    • becomeFirstResponder
    • resignFirstResponder
    • isFirstResponder


When presentViewController: animated: completion: is called, the property AM_testPresentedViewController will be set to the view controller that should be presented and the completion block will then be called sychronously.

When dismissViewController: animated: completion: is called, the property AM_testPresentedViewController will be set to niland the completion block will then be called sychronously.


func test_nextButtonIsPressed_presentsNextViewController() {
  // when

  // then
  XCTAssert(viewControllerBeingTested.AM_testPresentedViewController is NextViewController)


When becomeFirstResponder is called, the property AM_isFirstResponder will be set to true. When resignFirstResponder is called, it will be set to false. isFirstResponder will return the value of AM_isFirstResponder.


This library adds an executeHandler() function to UIAlertAction and an executeAction(withTitle:) function to UIAlertController that can be used in your unit tests to programtically call the handler for an action on a UIAlertController.


Anthony Miller, AnthonyMDev@gmail.com


AMTestHelpers is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.