Removing on March 5th - A fork and derivative of the AW SDK .NET wrapper

Primary LanguageC#

ActiveWorlds Super-SDK by Roy Curtis

Adapted from the AW.NET wrapper by ByteMR

Directory structure

Structure is as follows:

  • AWSSDK : Directory for the VS2012 project for the main AWSSDK
  • SampleBot : Directory for the VS2012 project for various bot samples
  • AW.Core : A copy of changeset 69e50a11848c of the AW.NET wrapper that is adapted and optimizied for .NET 4.5
  • Build : The binary output and distribution directory
  • Licenses : Licenses of used components
  • AWSSDK.sln : VS2012 main solution
  • FetchLibs.sh : Shell script to fetch AW SDK native DLLs from official website

Planned implementation design/samples

  • Simple bot that says hello:
var bot = new Bot
    Name = "Samantha",
    PrivNumber = 888,
    PrivPassword = "myppw"
}.Login().Goto("Droog 0n 0e");

  • Get five earliest built objects from cell
var bot = new Bot
    Name = "Samantha",
    PrivNumber = 888,
    PrivPassword = "myppw"
}.Login().Goto("Droog 0n 0e");

var cell = (from obj in bot.Query.ObjectsAt("0n 0e")
   where obj.Type = Entities.Object
   orderby obj.Timestamp, obj.Name ascending
   select obj.Model).Take<string>(5);

foreach (model in cell) Console.WriteLine(model);