Data Engineer Technical Task
- Run using shell script: ./
- This will create and launch docker container. You will be provided with Jupyter Notebook url. Copy/paste this URL into your browser.
- The two tasks are in notebooks labelled tt_task1.ipynb and tt_task2.ipynb. Run each notebook to see the results for each question. The results are also output into html files which are saved for reference in the docker container.
- Found suitable docker image from dockerhub. I wanted to use basic jupiter-notepad so chose:
- Add pandas to the docker image (pip install pandas)
- Basic approach is to ingest data to sqlite db. Then use sql queries in combination with pandas dataframes to process data.
- Display of data is both within Jupyter notebook and in html files which are saved within the docker container.
- Started from docker image created above.
- Installed beautifulSoup html parsing library (pip install beautifulsoup4)
- In order to extract data from website, need to know maximum crash number to use as url parameter. Used initial python query to establish maxCrashNum was 105 in 1972.
- Used python requests library to extract data from crash website and put in crashPages list.
- Used beautifulSoup to parse each page in crashPages list and extract data. Put data into dataDict.
- Cleanse fatality data in dataDict - extract total fatalities, discard breakup of passenger/crew numbers.
- Produce sum of total fatalities using dataframe.sum().
- Produce top 3 airlines with the highest rate of incidents from dataframe using dataframe.groupby()
- Produce year with the highest incidents - used dataframe.groupby()
I automated the build of the docker environment using a simple shell script ( combined with a dockerfile.