Swift-Either is a utility for making it easier to catch errors and handling them
Use the package manager NPM to install Swift-Either.
npm i swift-either --save
import swiftEither from "swift-either";
const either = swiftEither(1); //pass 1 if you want errors to be logged automaticly
function createUser(user) {
return either(left => {
//Write your code
!user ? left("No user was inserted") : 0; // if true then code execution is stopped
console.log("User parameter exists");
// Write your code
user === "John Doe"
? left(user, e => console.log(`User ${e} already exists`))
: 0; // if true then code execution is stopped
return "User created";
// No user was inserted
console.log(createUser("John Doe"));
// User parameter exists
// User John Doe already exists
// User parameter exists
// User created
import swiftEither from "swift-either";
const either = swiftEither();
const test = () => {
return either(left => {
// Unhandled Error:
// nonExistentFunction is not defined
// at test()
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.