
A public mirror of an internally-maintained tool for examining GPU scheduling behavior.

Primary LanguageCudaOtherNOASSERTION

CUDA Scheduling Viewer


This project was intended to provide a tool for examining block-level scheduling behavior and coscheduling performance on CUDA devices. The tool is capable of running any benchmark which can be self-contained in a shared library file exporting specific functions. Currently, this tool only runs under Linux, and is unlikely to support other systems in the future.


This tool can only be run on a computer with a CUDA-capable GPU and with CUDA installed. The nvcc command must be available on your PATH. The tool has not been tested with devices earlier than compute capability 3.0 or CUDA versions earlier than 8.0. GCC version 4.9 or later is required.

To build, clone the repository, cd into it, and run make.


The tool must be provided a JSON configuration file, which will contain information about which benchmark libraries to run, how to run them, and what parameters to provide. The file configs/simple.json has been provided as a minimal example, running one instance of the mandelbrot.so benchmark. To run it:

./bin/runner ./configs/simple.json

Additionally, the character - may be used in place of a config file name, in which case the tool will attempt to read a JSON configuration object from stdin. The file will be read completely before any benchmarks begin execution.

Some scripts have been included to visualize results. They require python, numpy, and matplotlib. All such scripts are located in the scripts directory. For example:

# Run all known configurations
find configs/*.json -exec ./bin/runner {} \;

# Visualize the scheduling timelines for each scenario
python scripts/view_timelines.py

Configuration Files

The configuration files specify parameters passed to each benchmark along with some global settings for the entire program.

The layout of each configuration file is as follows:

  "name": <String. Required. The name of this scenario.>,
  "max_iterations": <Number. Required. Default cap on the number of iterations
    for each benchmark. 0 = unlimited.>,
  "max_time": <Number. Required. Default cap on the number of number of seconds
    to run each benchmark. 0 = unlimited.>,
  "use_processes": <Boolean, defaulting to false. If this is true, each
    benchmark is run in a separate process. Normally, they run as threads.>
  "cuda_device": <Number. Required. The CUDA device to use for benchmarks to
  "base_result_directory": <String, defaulting to "./results". This is the
    directory into which individual JSON files from each benchmark will be
    written. It must already exist.>,
  "pin_cpus": <Boolean. Optional, defaults to false. If true, attempt to pin
    benchmarks to CPU cores, evenly distributed across cores. If true,
    individual benchmark cpu_core settings are ignored.>,
  "sync_every_iteration": <Boolean. Optional, defaults to false. If true,
    iterations of each benchmark start when all benchmarks have completed their
    previous iteration. By default, each benchmark only waits for its own
    previous iteration to complete.>,
  "benchmarks": [
      "filename": <String. Required. The path to the benchmark file, relative
        to the current working directory.>,
      "log_name": <String. Optional. The filename of the JSON log for this
        particular benchmark. If not provided, this benchmark's log will be
        given a default name based on its filename, process and thread ID. If
        this doesn't start with '/', it will be relative to
      "mps_thread_percentage": <Number. Optional. A percentage of thread
        resources to use if MPS is active and a Volta-architecture GPU is used.
        This is ignored if use_processes is false. Defaults to 100.>,
      "label:": <String. Optional. A label or name for this specific benchmark,
        to be copied to its output file.>,
      "thread_count": <Number. Required, but may be ignored. The number of CUDA
        threads this benchmark should use.>,
      "block_count": <Number. Required, but may be ignored. The number of CUDA
        blocks this benchmark should use.>,
      "data_size": <Number. Required, but may be ignored. The input size, in
        bytes, for the benchmark.>,
      "additional_info": <A JSON object of any format. Optional. This can be
        used to pass additional benchmark-specific configuration parameters.>,
      "max_iterations": <Number. Optional. If specified, overrides the default
        max_iterations for this benchmark alone. 0 = unlimited. If this is
        provided for any benchmark, then sync_every_iteration must be false.>,
      "max_time": <Number. Optional. If specified, overrides the default
        max_time for this benchmark alone. 0 = unlimited.>,
      "release_time": <Number. Optional. If set, this benchmark will sleep for
        the given number of seconds (between initialization and the start of
        the first iteration) before beginning execution.>,
      "cpu_core": <Number. Optional. If specified, and pin_cpus is false, the
        system will attempt to pin this benchmark onto the given CPU core.>
      "stream_priority": <Number. Optional. If specified, and is an integer in
        the range [-1,0], the stream will be created with priority. -1 is higher
        priority and 0 is lower.
      <more benchmarks can be listed here>

Additionally, benchmark configurations support the insertion of comments via the usage of "comment" keys, which will be ignored at runtime.

Automatic Benchmark Generation

The script located in scripts/multikernel_generator.py illustrates how config generation can be scripted. To run a scenario automatically generated by this script, run the following command (after running make):

python scripts/multikernel_generator.py | ./bin/runner -

VisionWorks Demos Benchmark

NVIDIA's VisionWorks demos are available to use as benchmarks. These demos are real-world autonomous driving applications such as stereo matching, feature tracking, the Hough transform, and motion stabilization. The source code of these demos was modified to fit the benchmark interface. The modified source code is located in src/third_party/VisionWorks-1.6-Demos.

To compile VisionWorks benchmarks, use make visionworks. The VisionWorks library must be installed for this to complete.

The scripts/visionworks_generator.py script is provided to generate configuration files for VisionWorks demos. Check out detailed help information using python scripts/visionworks_generator.py -h. Here is an example running one feature tracker instance:

python scripts/visionworks_generator.py --ft 1 | ./bin/runner -

To run VisionWorks case study, use:

./scripts/visionworks_scenarios_case_study.sh  # run the case study
python scripts/view_times_cdf.py -k "execute_times" # view CDF plots
python scripts/view_times_pdf.py # view PDF (probablity density function) plots,
# by default it only shows "x4" scenarios. This can be modified in the script

Output File Format

Each benchmark, when run, will generate a JSON log file at the location specified in the configuration. If the benchmark did not complete successfully, the JSON file may be in an invalid state. Times will be recorded as floating-point numbers of seconds. The format of the log file is:

  "scenario_name": "<Scenario name>",
  "benchmark_name": "<Benchmark name>",
  "label": "<This benchmark's label, if given in the config>",
  "max_resident_threads": <The maximum number of threads that can be assigned
    to the GPU at a time (from all benchmarks in the scenario)>,
  "data_size": <Data size>,
  "release_time": <Requested release time in seconds>,
  "PID": <pid>,
  "TID": <The thread ID, if benchmarks were run as threads>,
  "times": [
      "cpu_times": [
        <The CPU time before the copy_in function was called>,
        <The CPU time after the copy_out function returned>
      "copy_in_times": [
        <The CPU time before the copy_in function was called>,
        <The CPU time after the copy_in function returned>
      "execute_times": [
        <The CPU time when the execute function was called>,
        <The CPU time after the execute function returned>
      "copy_out_times": [
        <The CPU time when the copy_out function was called>,
        <The CPU time after the copy_out function returned>
      "kernel_name": <The name of this particular kernel. May be omitted.>,
      "block_count": <The number of blocks in this kernel invocation.>,
      "thread_count": <The number of threads per block in this invocation.>,
      "shared_memory": <The amount of shared memory used by this kernel.>,
      "cuda_launch_times": [<CPU time immediately before the kernel launch.>,
        <CPU time immediately after kernel launch returned.>,
        <CPU time immediately after cudaStreamSynchronize returned. This will
        be set to 0 if cudaStreamSynchronize isn't called for this kernel.>],
      "block_times": [<Start time>, <End time>, ...],
      "block_smids": [<Block 0 SMID>, <Block 1 SMID>, ...],
      "cpu_core": <The current CPU core being used>

Notice that the first entry in the "times" array will be blank and should be ignored. The times array will contain two types of objects: one will contain CPU times and one type will apply to kernel times. An object containing CPU times will contain a "cpu_times" key. A single CPU times object will encompass all kernel times following it, up until another CPU times object.

Creating New Benchmarks

Each benchmark must be contained in a shared library and abide by the interface specified in src/library_interface.h. In particular, the library must export a RegisterFunctions function, which provides the addresses of further functions to the calling program. Benchmarks, preferably, should never use global state and instead use the user_data pointer returned by the initialize function to track all state. Global state may function if only one instance of each benchmark is run at a time, but this will never be a limitation of the default benchmarks included in this project. All benchmarks must use a user-created CUDA stream in order to avoid unnecessarily blocking each other.

The most important piece of information that each benchmark provides is the TimingInformation struct, filled in during the copy_out function of each benchmark. This struct will contain a list of KernelTimes structs, one for each kernel invocation called during execute. Each KernelTimes struct will contain the kernel start and end times, individual block start and end times, and a list of the SM IDs to which blocks were assigned. The benchmark is responsible for ensuring that the buffers provided in the TimingInformation struct remain valid at least until another benchmark function is called. They will not be freed by the caller.

In general, the comments in library_interface.h provide an explanation for the actions that every library-provided function is expected to carry out. The existing libraries in src/mandelbrot.cu and src/timer_spin.cu provide examples of working library implementations.

In addition to library_interface.h, benchmark_library_funcions.h/cu define a library of utility functions that may be shared between benchmarks.

Benchmark libraries are invoked by the master process as follows:

  1. The shared library file is loaded using the dlopen() function, and the RegisterFunctions function is located using dlysym().

  2. Depending on the configuration, either a new process or new thread will be created for each benchmark.

  3. In its own thread or process, the benchmark's initialize function will be called, which should allocate and initialize all of the local state necessary for one instance of the benchmark.

  4. When the benchmark begins running, a single iteration will consist of the benchmark's copy_in, execute, and copy_out functions being called, in that order.

  5. When enough time has elapsed or the maximum number of iterations has been reached, the benchmark's cleanup function will be called, to allow for the benchmark to clean up and free its local state.

Coding Style

Even though CUDA supports C++, contributions to this project should use the C programming language when possible. C or CUDA source code should adhere to the parts of the Google C++ Style Guide that apply to the C language.

Scripts should remain in the scripts/ directory and should be written in python when possible. For now, there is no explicit style guide for python scripts apart from trying to maintain a consistent style within each file.