- 0
Live map
#322 opened by SteelTigerV2 - 0
- 1
Show Ground Items Around Crash Sites
#302 opened by StyxnStones - 3
- 1
Power switch settings on map
#328 opened by Metion1305 - 3
Some oil wells are not displayed on the map
#326 opened by Metion1305 - 2
- 0
AGS Panel
#324 opened by SignpostMarv - 0
Altitude Filter UI does not allow decimals
#321 opened by SignpostMarv - 2
Deleting railroad tracks causes hang
#319 opened by crwolff - 1
Electrical network breaks after saving save
#320 opened by Noobgam - 5
vehicles not visible on map, but is visible in stats
#317 opened by Ryder17z - 4
Can't upload save file
#318 opened by natepaxton - 48
#288 opened by AnthorNet - 1
Found a Hard Drive that's not on the map.
#316 opened by Nizotro - 1
Coordinates displayed in wrong order of magnitude
#315 opened by kiddikai - 0
- 2
- 1
Disable AGS on save file
#289 opened by SignpostMarv - 1
Test Save File Out of Date
#303 opened by ThomasHineXYZ - 1
Schematics Not Saving
#307 opened by omayhemo - 2
Unknown item (black question mark) on map render (minor bug/missing implementation)
#313 opened by TheEvilGreebo - 14
- 3
File load stalls at 64% of Game Objects phase
#311 opened by TheEvilGreebo - 7
- 1
Show elevation/altitude on map
#309 opened by Nugman - 3
Outdated mods, partially handled buildings
#306 opened by nbali - 1
- 4
Moving and offsetting does not work.
#304 opened by XanderKehoe - 2
- 7
Deleting some dropped items break the save parsing
#296 opened by AnthorNet - 2
- 6
> > > In experimental the loaded map does not recognize which hard drives have been collected.
#294 opened by AnthorNet - 1
Hard Drives
#297 opened by GordoTheGreat - 1
#298 opened by elektrik220kw - 3
Add fauna spawn locations to map
#295 opened by yeSpud - 3
Excessive VRAM memory usage
#283 opened by tigrouind - 1
- 11
Overclocking fuel generator doesn't affect the grid
#292 opened by fsimancik - 1
- 3
- 0
ability to edit scale of objects on the map
#290 opened by SignpostMarv - 0
Fart Rock destroy/restore quick actions
#287 opened by SignpostMarv - 1
Hog and spitter research appears as not available yet while they have been already researched
#284 opened by tigrouind - 0
Sink Layer Non Existent
#285 opened by THECorranHorn - 0
SAV file name on Interactive Map
#282 opened by CeeJay-YVR - 0
access to unencrypted save file
#280 opened by NZzer0 - 4
Unknown building: Build_JumpPad_C_2
#278 opened by rala72 - 0
- 0