
Containerising a simple Node app using Docker, instructions are in readme

Primary LanguageJavaScript

To run without dockerfile

1. docker pull node
2. docker run -p 8080:3000 -v $(pwd):/src/www -w "/src/www" node npm start

What things mean.
    docker pull node
        - Pulls the latest node image from docker hub

    docker run -p 8080:3000 -v $(pwd):/src/www -w "/src/www" node npm start
        -p ( Map port from external machine to internal docker container i.e 8080:3000) -> runs in browser as 8080 but runs in container as 3000
        -v ( The volumes we want this container to use, stored in the docker hub)
        $(pwd) ( The current directory we are in ) 
        -w ( The working directory where the start up directory should be run from)
        node ( The image to run)
        npm start ( The command we want to run)

To run with dockerfile

1. docker build -t <username>/node . -> This builds the image
2. docker run -d -p 8080:3000 <username>/node

What things mean.
    build ( Builds the image)
    -t or --tag ( Tags the image)
    . ( Build context)
    -d ( Detached)

To run if you rename dockerfile to something else

1. By default, docker build looks for the file with name "dockerfile".
2. If you do rename it, the way to build is docker build -f <filename>
3. -f means file