
Development environment setup

This guide is made assuming you have Raspbian OS and you are member of Anticarium organization.

Git repository setup

  1. Generate your ssh key and add it to github according to this tutorial:
  2. $ cd ~/Desktop
  3. $ git config --global ""
  4. $ git config --global "Your Name"
  5. $ mkdir ./Anticarium_Pi
  6. $ cd ./Anticarium_Pi
  7. $ git clone
  8. $ git remote set-url origin
  9. $ cd
  10. $ git clone
  11. $ cp ~/Desktop/Anticarium_Doc/.clang-format ~/Desktop/Anticarium_Pi/Anticarium_Pi

Install cmake

  1. $ sudo apt install libssl-dev
  2. Go to and download latest CMake source for linux
  3. Create folder cmake in your home directory
  4. Move downloaded file to cmake folder
  5. Export
  6. `$ cd ~/cmake/<your_exported_cmake_source_library>
  7. $ ./bootstrap
  8. $ make
  9. $ sudo make install

Add HunterGate

  • In Anticarium_Pi source folder wget -O cmake/HunterGate.cmake

I2C connection

  1. $ sudo mousepad /boot/config.txt
  2. Find the line containing “dtparam=i2c_arm=on” and uncomment it
  3. Add “,i2c_arm_baudrate=9600” where 9600 is the new speed (9,6 Kbit/s). Note the comma.
  4. Should look like this: dtparam=i2c_arm=on,i2c_arm_baudrate=9600
  5. Save
  6. reboot

Install Qt5 and Qt creator

  1. $ sudo apt install qt5-default
  2. $ sudo apt install qtcreator

Install clang-format-9

  1. $ sudo apt install clang-format-9
  2. Using Anticarium_Doc clang format setup in qt, link against this clang-format binary

CLang formatter setup in QT creator

  1. Open Qt creator
  2. Help->About Plugins
  3. Find Beautifier
  4. Check Beautifier checkbox
  5. Close dialog and restart QT creator
  6. In Qt creator Tools->Options->Beautifier->CLang Format
  7. clang-format executable path: /usr/bin/clang-format-9
  8. In Use predefined style choose File
  9. Go to General Tab
  10. Check Enable auto format on file save
  11. Under Tool: select ClangFormat
  12. Ok
  13. Put .clang-format-9 file found in Anticarium_Doc, into your source directory and rename to .clang-format