Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

DIDA: Dual-level Interaction for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation

This repository contains code and models for "DIDA: Dual-level Interaction for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation" (accepted to ICCV Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision (UnCV), 2023). arXiv

Copyright (c) 2022-2023 WHU China, Dongyu Yao. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0

For Chinese version of Instructions, please refer to DIDA中文文档

Setup Environment

For this project, we used python 3.8.5. We recommend setting up a new virtual environment:

python -m venv ~/venv/dida
source ~/venv/dida/bin/activate

In that environment, the requirements can be installed with:

pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html
pip install mmcv-full==1.4.0  # requires the other packages to be installed first

Further, please download the MiT weights and a pretrained DIDA using the following script. If problems occur with the automatic download, please follow the instructions for a manual download within the script.

sh tools/download_checkpoints.sh

All experiments were executed on a single NVIDIA RTX 3090.

Inference Demo

Already as this point, the provided DIDA model (downloaded by tools/download_checkpoints.sh) can be applied to a demo image:

sh demo.sh work_dirs/DIDA_gta2cs/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa.json work_dirs/DIDA_gta2cs/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa/latest.pth

When judging the predictions, please keep in mind that DIDA had no access to real-world labels during the training.

Setup Datasets

Cityscapes: Please, download leftImg8bit_trainvaltest.zip and gt_trainvaltest.zip from here and extract them to data/cityscapes.

GTA: Please, download all image and label packages from here and extract them to data/gta.

Synthia (Optional): Please, download SYNTHIA-RAND-CITYSCAPES from here and extract it to data/synthia.

The final folder structure should look like this:

├── ...
├── data
│   ├── cityscapes
│   │   ├── leftImg8bit
│   │   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── val
│   │   ├── gtFine
│   │   │   ├── train
│   │   │   ├── val
│   ├── gta
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── labels
│   ├── synthia (optional)
│   │   ├── RGB
│   │   ├── GT
│   │   │   ├── LABELS
├── ...

Data Preprocessing: Following DAFormer, please run the following scripts to convert the label IDs to the train IDs and to generate the class index for RCS:

python tools/convert_datasets/gta.py data/gta --nproc 8
python tools/convert_datasets/cityscapes.py data/cityscapes --nproc 8
python tools/convert_datasets/synthia.py data/synthia/ --nproc 8


A training job can be launched using:

sh run_config.sh [gpuid]

For the two experiments conducted in our paper, we use a system to automatically generate and train the configs: gta->cs: expid == 7 synthia->cs: expid == 8

sh run_exp.sh [expid] [gpuid]

More information about the available experiments and their assigned IDs, can be found in experiments.py. The generated configs will be stored in configs/generated/.

Testing & Predictions

Manual Download

Please, download the MiT weights pretrained on ImageNet-1K provided by the official SegFormer repository and put them in a folder pretrained/ within this project. For most of the experiments, only mit_b5.pth is necessary.

Please, download the checkpoint of DIDA on GTA->Cityscapes from here and extract it to work_dirs/

The provided DIDA checkpoint trained on GTA→Cityscapes can be tested on the Cityscapes validation set using:

sh test.sh work_dirs/DIDA_gta2cs/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa

The predictions are saved for inspection to work_dirs/DIDA_gta2cs/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa/preds and the mIoU of the model is printed at pre_log.out

The provided checkpoint should achieve 71.03 mIoU. Refer to the end of work_dirs/DIDA_gta2cs/221213_1011_gta2cs_dacs_a999_fdthings_rcs001_cpl_daformer_sepaspp_mitb5_poly10warm_s0_6e7fa/20221213_101429.log

for more information such as the class-wise IoU.

Similarly, also other models can be tested after the training has finished:

sh test.sh path/to/checkpoint_directory

When evaluating a model trained on Synthia→Cityscapes, please note that the evaluation script calculates the mIoU for all 19 Cityscapes classes. However, Synthia only contains labels for 16 of these classes. Therefore, it is a common practice in UDA to report the mIoU for Synthia→Cityscapes only on these 16 classes. As the Iou for the 3 missing classes is 0, you can do the conversion mIoU16 = mIoU19 * 19 / 16.

The predictions can be submitted to the public evaluation server of the respective dataset to obtain the test score.


Below, we provide checkpoints of DIDA for different benchmarks. As the results in the paper are provided as the mean over three random seeds, we provide the checkpoint with the median validation performance here.

The checkpoints come with the training logs. Please note that:

  • The logs provide the mIoU for 19 classes. For Synthia→Cityscapes, it is necessary to convert the mIoU to the 16 valid classes. Please, read the section above for converting the mIoU.

Framework Structure

This project is based on mmsegmentation version 0.16.0, the framework is partly based on DAFormer. For more information about the framework structure and the config system, please refer to the mmsegmentation documentation, the mmcv documentation. and DAFormer readme file.

The most relevant files for DIDA are:

  • mmseg/models/uda/dacs.py: Implementation of UDA self-training, introduction of instance_loss, sampling strategies and dual-level interaction
  • embedding_cache: Our pre-generated instance bank, with class-balanced distribution of instance features.
  • create_buffer.py: generate vacant placeholders and initiallize as unit random vectors


This project is based on the following open-source projects. We thank their authors for making the source code publically available.


This project is released under the Apache License 2.0, while some specific features in this repository are with other licenses. Please refer to LICENSES.md for the careful check, if you are using our code for commercial matters.

If you find our work helpful, please kindly cite us via the following bibtex:

@inproceedings{yao2023dual, title={Dual-level Interaction for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation}, author={Yao, Dongyu and Li, Boheng}, booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision Workshop on Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision}, year={2023} }