
A Complete ✅ Flutter GitHub Action, Good with Mac Runner

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Flutter Web App Builder

Automates the build and deployment of your Flutter web app on GitHub Pages.


name: Build Flutter App (APK/AAB/IPA), Deploy Flutter web app to GitHub Pages

      - main

    name: Build and Deploy
    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
        os: [macos-latest, ubuntu-latest, windows-latest] # No NEED OF Matrix Choose any SIngle But remember Choose as per BUILD
          - os: macos-latest
            runner: macos-latest
          - os: ubuntu-latest
            runner: ubuntu-latest
          - os: windows-latest
            runner: windows-latest
      - name: Checkout repository
        uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - name: Set up Java
        uses: actions/setup-java@v1
          java-version: '12.x'
      - name: Set up Flutter
        uses: subosito/flutter-action@v2
        # with:
        #   flutter-version: '2.x' # any version
      # Additional steps as needed
      - name: Build and deploy Flutter web app
        uses: antinna/fa@v1
        id: build
          release: true
          gh_pages: true
          webRenderer: auto
          baseHref: "/"
          aab_generation: true
          apk_generation: true
      - name: Archive APK
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: release-apk
          path: ${{ steps.build.outputs.apk-path }}
      - name: Archive AAB
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
          name: release-aab
          path: ${{ steps.build.outputs.aab-path }}


Name Description Default
release If set to true, it will run release builds, otherwise debug builds false
keystore Base64 encoded keystore.jks, required if release is true ""
keystore-pwd Keystore password, required if release is true ""
key-pwd Key password, required if release is true ""
aab_generation Generate AAB false
apk_generation Generate APK false
ipa_generation Generate IPA (iOS) false
dmg_generation Generate DMG (macOS) false
appImage_generation Generate LINUX APPIMAGE (Linux) false
exe_generation Generate EXE (Windows) false
gh_pages Deploy to GitHub Pages false
build_runner_build Build Runner Build false
change_splash Change Splash false
i18n_generation Generate i18n false
generate_launcher_icons Generate Launcher Icons false
custom_app_name Custom App Name (Leave empty to skip) ""
custom_package_name Custom Package Name (Leave empty to skip) ""
webRenderer Which web renderer to be used, default is auto "auto"
workingDir The directory where the project is (default .) "."
targetBranch Target branch for GitHub Pages deployment "gh-pages"
baseHref Base href (if applicable) "/"
customArgs Custom args like: --dart-define="key=value" ""


Name Description
apk-path Path to built APK if build-type was set to APK or AAB
aab-path Path to built AAB if build-type was set to AAB or AAB
ipa-path Path to built IPA file if build-type was set for iOS
dmg-path Path to built DMG file if build-type was set for macOS
appImage-path Path to built APPIMAGE file if build-type was set for Linux
exe-path Path to built EXE file if build-type was set for Windows

Platform Support

  • macOS: Apple supported builds can be generated on macOS runner.
  • Windows: Windows supported builds can be generated on Windows runner.
  • Linux: Linux supported builds can be generated on Linux runner.


Build APK and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  apk_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Generate AAB and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  aab_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Build IPA for iOS and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  ipa_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Generate DMG for macOS and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  dmg_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Generate Linux AppImage and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  appImage_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Generate EXE for Windows and deploy web app to GitHub Pages

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  exe_generation: true
  gh_pages: true

Customize app name and package name

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  custom_app_name: "MyCustomAppName"
  custom_package_name: "com.example.custom"
  gh_pages: true

Specify additional custom arguments

uses: antinna/fa@v1
  release: true
  customArgs: "--dart-define=KEY=VALUE"
  gh_pages: true


This action is licensed under the BSD License.