
This is the source code for a Julia web server that allows users to collaboratively draw on a single 500×500 image.

Deployed on Heroku.

Conclusion from developing this, and trying to deploy it: Julia is (still) poorly-suited for web servers.

How to run this

This assumes that you have cloned this repository locally.


Assuming that you have Docker installed and a PostgreSQL server running, build it with:

docker build -t image-modifier-project .

and run with something like

docker run -p 8089:80 -e PORT=80 -e DATABASE_URL=... image-modifier-project

The Docker image is only 500MB, how can you possibly have trouble with Heroku's 500MB RAM limit.

Deploying to Heroku

Create a Heroku app, and:

heroku stack:set container
heroku container:login
heroku container:push web && heroku container:release web

Alternatively, deploy with Git.

Alternatively, to push from a Git repo:

heroku stack:set container
git push heroku master