
Bootcamp project #3: building a single page application in REACT js. Link to live demo below 👇

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project was part of the Code Academy Berlin Full-Stack Web Developer Bootcamp. The project consisted in building a free-of-choice Single Page Application with React JS using Firebase to create a login feature and to store information into a database.

Learning goals:

  • Create and configure a React project
  • Understand the component hierarchy in React
  • Create a navigation between pages using the React Router
  • Use of global store (Context Hook)
  • Use Firebase to create a registration / login feature by email and password
  • Optional: signin using Google OAuth
  • Use Firebase Cloud Firestore functionality to create a chat room feature or something alike


  • API providing a list and detailed  endpoints
  • Design mobile first
  • Single Page Application (using a modern JS Framework)

Additional features implemented:

  • Protected Routes
  • Save favourites to a Wishlist (by writing, reading and deleting documents in Firestore)