Tea Time - API

Overview and learing goals

The purpose of this project is to explore back-end data consumption of a simple API for tea subscriptions. There are three main enpoints: create a subscription, modify a subscriptions status, and retrieve subscriptions for a a given customer. 

System dependencies


  • Faraday
  • bcrypt
  • Jsonapi-serialiser
  • Factory-bot-rails
  • Faker

Set up this repo


  1. Fork and clone this repository to your local machine
  2. Run bundle install in the root directory of this project on your command line
  3. Run rails db:{create, migrate, seed}
  • Note: Make sure to take a look at the seeds file. There are a few pre-populated seeds including one customer with a two subscriptions. Feel free to adjust seeds, and use factorybot/faker as needed to create fake data for testing.

Additional notes for consumption

  • The current data sets a default price of a subscription to $20/subscription, and is irrelecant of the quantity or individual teas on the sunbscription. A further version of this API will provide a more dynamic approach to adding invidiual teas to a subscription to create customizeable subscriptions.
  • There are two default values using enums that should be noted. For the subscription model, both the status and and frequency are set to a default value of 0. This value respectively represents an "active" subscription, set at a "weekly" frequency. A subscription can only be set to active or cancelled, and frequencies can either be weekly, monthly or yearly.


  1. POST "/api/v1/subscribe"
  • Takes a parameters of tea_id and customer_id through the request body.

successful response

    "message": "Subscription created successfully"

unsuccessful response

    "message": "Subscription not created, please try again"
  • Note: this sad path response will be returned if either the tea_id is not found, or the customer if is not found
  1. PATCH "/api/v1/cancel_subscription"
  • takes parameters in the request body of the subscription_id, and status. the status options are currently only 0 and 1 representing active and cancelled respectively.
  • Returns a response indication whether the status was updated successfully or not.

successful repsonse

  "message": "Subscription updated successfully"

unsuccessful response

    "message": "Subscription not updated, please try again"

  • note: since you are only passing the subscription_id, the unsuccessful response is solely based on that subscription being found the database. Since the subscription is a one-many relationship with customer(subscritpion beind the "many"), a subscription being modified should not need the user_id with this particular endpoint"
  1. GET "/api/v1/subscriptions"
  • Takes parameters in the request body for just a customer_id
  • returns all subscriptions for that customer
    • note: this only return the subscriptions information, which does not include individual teas on that subscription. A subsequent version of this API will address individual teas either on this endpoint, or another endpoint.

successful response

    "data": [
            "id": "1",
            "type": "subscriptions",
            "attributes": {
                "id": 1,
                "title": "Single Tea",
                "price": 20.0,
                "status": "active",
                "frequency": "weekly"
            "id": "2",
            "type": "subscriptions",
            "attributes": {
                "id": 2,
                "title": "Single Tea",
                "price": 20.0,
                "status": "active",
                "frequency": "weekly"

successful responses if a customer has no subscriptions(cancelled or not)

    "message": "The customer has no subscriptions"

unsuccessful response if hte customer does not exist

    "message": "Customer not found"