
Out of the box automated testing for Strapi

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Testing plugin for Strapi (Beta)

This community plugin automates all the steps in the unit test page of the documentation by creating all the default files needed.

Compatible with Strapi ^3.5.4

How to use

Jest will execute all the files inside of /__tests__/ that end in .test.js. Every .test.js file will be it's own instance of Strapi with it's own database, wich can add a lot of loading time (~10 seconds) before the tests start running.

To avoid re-creating a new Strapi instance for every test, .js files can be manually added to a .test.js file with require(...). In this case they will share the same instance and database.

Warning: If multiple tests share the same instance, the order at which the tests run can have an impact on the result.


  1. Install dependecy:
yarn add strapi-plugin-testing
  1. Run the project to generate all the files needed (after running check if __tests__ folder has been created properly)
yarn develop
  1. Add test command in package.json:
"test": "jest --forceExit --detectOpenHandles",
  1. Run the tests
yarn test

File Structure


      database.js // database config used in tests


Helper Functions


async startStrapi([callback])

Starts a new Strapi instance and returns it. Build with singleton pattern so it can be called multiple times without re-creating a new strapi instance.

Will pass the new Strapi instance as a parameter to the callback.

Check startStrapi's code for more details


async startStrapiJest([callback])

Starts a new Strapi instance before every test (with singleton pattern) and deletes the database and the end of every test. The Strapi instance will be globally available under the variable name strapi. The optional callback will be called at the end with the new Strapi instance.

Check startStrapiJest's code for more details


function populateDatabase(strapiInstance) {
  await strapiInstance.services.restaurant.create({
    name: "Pizza",

// creates instance and populates data
startStrapiJest(async (strapiInstance) => {
  await populateDatabase(strapiInstance); // optional parameter

describe("Global setup", () => {
  it("strapi is defined", async (done) => {
    expect(strapi).toBeDefined(); // strapi globally available


async createStrapiSuperAdmin(strapiInstance [, email, password, username, firstname, lastname, blocked, isActive, displayLogs])

Creates a new Strapi Super Admin. A super admin is the user which can connect to the Strapi back-office, not the one the users table. Check the code for the default values.

Check createStrapiSuperAdmin's code for more details


const {
} = require("strapi-plugin-testing");


describe("Global setup", () => {
  it("strapi is defined", async (done) => {
    await createStrapiSuperAdmin(strapi);
    await createStrapiSuperAdmin(strapi, "second-admin@test.com", "password");


async activatePrivileges(strapiInstance, roleId [, [...actions]])

Sets the privileges of roleId to true. If third argument omitted; sets all actions in roleId to true. Check the code for the default values.

Check activatePrivileges's code for more details


const {
} = require("strapi-plugin-testing");

const authenticatedRole = await getAuthenticatedRole(strapiInstance);

await activatePrivileges(strapiInstance, "order", authenticatedRole.id);
await activatePrivileges(
await activatePrivileges(strapiInstance, "product", authenticatedRole.id, [


async getAuthenticatedRole(strapiInstance)

Check getAuthenticatedRole's code for more details


const { getAuthenticatedRole } = require("strapi-plugin-testing");

const authenticatedRole = await getAuthenticatedRole(strapiInstance);
console.log("authenticatedRole.id", authenticatedRole.id);


async getPublicRole(strapiInstance)

Check getPublicRole's code for more details


const { getPublicRole } = require("strapi-plugin-testing");

const publicRole = await getPublicRole(strapiInstance);
console.log("publicRole.id", publicRole.id);

Other Use Cases

Test Watch

Test watch so any time a file changes, tests will re-run

    "testwatch": "jest --watchAll --forceExit --detectOpenHandles",

Bootstrap your project with dummy data

Use config/functions/bootstrap.js or run the mock functions in development environment so all the mocked data stays in the database.

const {
} = require("strapi-plugin-testing");

const populatteDatabase = async () => {
  const strapiInstance = await setupStrapi();

  await createStrapiSuperAdmin(strapiInstance, "admin@test.com", "password");

  const authenticatedRole = await getAuthenticatedRole(strapiInstance);
  const publicRole = await getPublicRole(strapiInstance);

  await activatePrivileges(strapiInstance, "products", authenticatedRole.id); // full privilege
  await activatePrivileges(strapiInstance, "products", publicRole.id, [
  // ...

Trouble shooting

  • Delete .tmp folder and try again. If that fixes the issue maybe the database is not being deleted properly or is not running the proper database configuration.

  • May not work properly in Windows machines (check offitial doc for more information)

  • Feel free to create an issue in this repo

Work in progress

The plugin is in Beta, any feedback is welcome.

Possible functionalities for this plugin:

  • Automatically creat test files for the each api endpoint

  • Test coverage configured for Strapi so only the custom code is accounted for

  • Pre-commit test run

  • Easy setup for Github Actions