Workshop AI Demo Day 🧠

Azure Ai vision ( Ocr / Analysis) 👩‍🔬🧪


  git clone
  cd my-project
  npm i
  npm run dev

Section 0: Beginning

Create an Input Type File: Show how to create an HTML input element for file uploads and set up the necessary methods to handle image uploads.
Azure OCR API Integration: Explain how to make API calls to Azure's OCR service to extract text from images.

Section 1: Text Extraction and Display

Sort and Filter JSON Data from the Azure OCR API to extract only the necessary text.

Use State Management to manage the extracted text .

Display Extracted Text display the extracted text in your application's user interface.

Error Handling: Implement error handling to address scenarios where the API returns empty strings or encounters other issues.

Section 2: Analyzing Text

Similar Process to OCR: Explain that the process is similar to OCR but with a different API, likely for text analysis.

Reformulation: Reiterate the steps from Section 1 but for the text analysis API.

Demonstrate Results: Showcase the results of the text analysis, such as sentiment analysis, language detection, or any other insights provided by the API.