
Decode a list of GPS coordinates to addresses

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Decode a list of GPS coordinates to adresses

What you need

  • Python3
  • Jupyter notebook
  • Some very basic knowledge of Python

Project specific

For this test the CSV looks like this


see : Climat-2021-2051-8.5-ete-hiver-raw.csv

step 1

Decode the GPS coordinates and create a database : see coments in app.py

You will need the following packages :

  • requests

    • pip install requests
  • sqlite3

    • pip install sqlite3

To visualize the databse : https://inloop.github.io/sqlite-viewer/#

step 2

You will need the following packages :

  • jupyter
    • python3 -m pip install jupyter

type : jupyter notebook and open the Adresses.ipynb

Attach the data form our database to our csv and save a new version : see coments in Adresses.ipynb