
Config files for my GitHub profile.

🌀 🌀 🌀

Hello everyone!

I am Alexander, MsD in Computer Science. I am mainly focused on the research and development of state-of-the-art machine learning techniques (especially deep learning) and in applying them to tasks related to computer vision, classic ml(e.g., face recognition, recomendation sysytems), and human computer interaction. Always looking for new challenges.

🔭 I’m proficient in:

  • Python data science stack: Numpy, Pandas, SciPy, Matplotlib.
  • Machine Learning frameworks: Pytorch, Tensorflow, Keras, Scikit-learn.
  • Cloud computing: mainly AWS.
  • Continuous Integration tools.
  • Linux administration and scripting.
  • Others: Git, Latex, C, C++, Matlab.

👯 I’m actively looking to collaborate on AI projects.

📫 How to reach me: ghostlyeclipse@gmail.com
