
Crash during "Export to GFA and compressed contigs" step

YannDussert opened this issue · 1 comments


First, thanks for developing LJA!

I am trying to run LJA on my HiFi data, using the command:
lja -o lja_defPars --diploid -t 30 --reads hifi.fastq.gz

The program crashes at the "Export to GFA and compressed contigs" step, with the following error:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
what(): map::at

This looks similar to the crash described by @peterdfields in issue #4 but I am not sure how it was resolved.
Unfortunately, I cannot share the raw data. I tried to attach the gzipped dbg.log file, but it is too large for github.

Best regards,

Dear Anton and Yann

I ran into the same issue and can share my raw data!

What is nice is that it's a bacterial genome dataset: only 116 MB of data, so quick to work with.


00:00:30 28Mb  INFO: Exporting remaining active transitions
00:00:30 28Mb  INFO: Export to Dot
00:00:30 28Mb  INFO: Export to GFA and compressed contigs
Child process crashed


terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range'
  what():  map::at

Best, Thomas